MAYBE. Let's get one thing out of the way: There are (probably) no goddamned tapes of Donald Trump and James Comey shooting the shit about Trump's obstruction of justice in the Green Room at the White House.
If Trump ends up admitting there are no "tapes," doesn't that mean he lied in order to intimidate a witness? He basically tried to blackmail Comey into silence. In a normal world, the implications of this would be seen as very serious. I hope Mueller is taking notes...
"Comey better hope there are no 'tapes'of our....aghhh! Damn it, Jared!!"
If Trump ends up admitting there are no "tapes," doesn't that mean he lied in order to intimidate a witness? He basically tried to blackmail Comey into silence. In a normal world, the implications of this would be seen as very serious. I hope Mueller is taking notes...
I prefer .45 ACP, myself.
Prezactly. What's taking them so long? I thought Russians would have produced by now. It's not as if they have to make this all up from scratch.
Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something wrong?
Funny how that stuff mushrooms.
Aww. That's so cute! Unpossible. But cute. They'd be "edited" for "quality."
You may be bored, but you don't represent everyone. It's good to see something that looks like progress documented.
Schiff had gone on-record saying that Congress will re-appoint Mueller if Trump tries.
I don't have a clue what that means.
Yeah, me either. I guess I had to be there.
Another lie.
Way too much work.
What makes people think the FBI/Comey wasn't recording Donnie "Big Fish" Trump?
I look back fondly at Presidents Clinton and Obama. Miss all the Obamas, including Bo and Sunny.
Former statements, former wives… meh.
I guess the Shitgibbon is the one in for a surprise. And he just might be "disappointed" when this comes out.