
And I mean that seriously.

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So, it seems that Lauro has never heard the expression, ‘When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.’

Because apropos.

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Great, just fantastic. What a thing to have to endure on my 60th birthday.

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Happy BDay. Welcome to the 60's!

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saw a conversation on msnbc about trump having troubles finding competent/high-powered attorneys willing to work for him. i love that his whole life of assholery is coming back to eat him up...

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I wonder if that problem is related to the fact that TFG never pays his attorneys, anything ever.

Nah, just a co-inky-dinky.

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Look at that pic of Trump. We don’t attack people’s looks here, so I’ll just do strictly factual reporting. His squint is so pronounced he can barely open his eyes. He has no eyelashes. His mouth looks like a puckered cat butthole. Otherwise, yeah.

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he always sounds hoarse, probably from all the senseless yelling he does; every time I have the misfortune of hearing his voice, I have to keep clearing my throat, and I think "Jeezus Kee-rist, somebody get this cretin a lozenge"

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This just makes me squee with delight.

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Huh, "420 Comments".

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It MUST be "a sign" from above (or from somewhere).

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LMAO. Sorry Charlie, er, Donny. You need to pay higher quality law peeps.

March 4th (the only date that's also a command). It's also the very date that DA Fani Willis proposed for Trump's Trial in Fulton Cty, GA. I'm sure the Judge and the DA can work out something around 4-6 weeks ahead or behind March 4th. Judge Chutkan (being a Judge) and Willis a DA, I'd think Ms. Willis moves her date.

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How about January 6?

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YES! How appropo? Perfect. Wouldn't that be great? What comes around....

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Judge Merchan in New York has to move his date, too. They're set for the latter part of March, but the trial in DC won't be concluded by then.

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How about 4/20?

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That would work for me. It'll be 4/20 regardless of what day(s) his trial(s) begin.

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They could have all of eternity and still not be "able to provide adequate representation." They are not adequate lawyers. trump will probably replaces some or all of them by the trial date anyway. And he won't pay them.

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IANAL but it does not seem like good lawyerin' to me to have your lawyer whine that he isn't a good enough lawyer to prepare for a trial in six months

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He's just setting up the appeal for "inadequate representation of counsel" when Trump is convicted.

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IAANAL but, like, you get what you pay for.

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Republicans really need to start thinking of a Plan B if and when Trump is convicted (and possibly declared ineligible). Who will it be?

We know it won’t be (LOL) Pence or Christie. I don’t think the GOP is going to switch from burnt steak and faux Christian to vegan Hindu. Or nominate a brown woman. Asa Hutchinson may be the most reasonable choice, which means he’s out.

So who?

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I'm still rooting for a deadlocked convention where P01135809 has almost half the delegates and they won't vote for anyone else, while the rest cannot agree on an alternative, until there are fistfights on the floor and then gunfights.

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Not sure they need a Plan B. If Trump is convicted in DC, he's still eligible to run. If he's incarcerated, and wins, he can pardon himself and move back into the White House.

The only hope is that 14th Amendment issue which is probably never going to amount to anything.

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There’s at least one lawsuit trying to get Trump declared ineligible based on the 14th amendment. We’ll see how that plays out.

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I'm skeptical, but I know very little about it.

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this might be the very first time in his misbegotten life that ANYONE has called Asshole Hutchinson "reasonable", in any context. It gives me a kind of dark, bitter joy to see one of the jackasses who used to bray "Character Counts!" when they were trying to find SOME way, ANY way to assassinate Bill Clinton without actually killing him. The impeachment over a little (private) light marital infidelity, into which the wizards of reactionary politics poured all the venom, the hypocrisy, the purulent dishonesty bubbling in themselves to make a foul brew to their own taste, and invited us all to try some.

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Their Plan B, Plan C, Plan Infinity is denial. They will claim that trump was not convicted just as they now claim that he didn't lose to Joe Biden.

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Mitt Romney returns to fulfill the White Horse prophecy.

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What ever happened to Rafalca the wonder horse? Out to pasture or to the glue factory?

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Aug 29, 2023
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ikr? That's for us common folks.

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The strategy of the ReFuck candidates is obvious. Be number 2. Go for VP (Nimrata Randhawa), or be the last alternative standing after Trump goes down the legal rathole and then step into the nomination after Trump is on his way to prison (Christy or Pence.)

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On Suits they would have wrapped this whole thing up already and Donna would have read Trump for filth just for good measure.

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Meanwhile Aileen Cannon stated that one of the jurors in the DC grand jury had their parking validated and seeks to throw out all evidence in her case. Probably.

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one box of 'find out' for mr trump - will mr trump please come to the front desk

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I hope all of the prosecutors are ready for some high shenanigans. These clowns will be trying every stunt they can to force a mistrial. Its all they can do.

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And some death threats.

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LOTS of death threats. Hallmark ought to put out a new line of "Get Dead" cards for busy traitors. They'd sell MILLIONS.

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If Hallmark can make a buck off of it, they'd certainly try.

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Yep, all they can do. I used to work with a former criminal attorney. He said that when for some reason you went to trial instead of pleading out when the evidence was overwhelming, there is one tactic to try.

Make the jury like the defendant.

They've got nothing.

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