American Presidential politics is not for the faint of heart, starting with the Jefferson vs. Adams contest, 1800. Jefferson hired someone to write his insults at first, among them that Adams was a "hideous hermaphroditical character which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman."Adams' party shot back: "Are you prepared to see your dwellings in flames... female chastity violated... children writhing on the pike? GREAT GOD OF COMPASSION AND JUSTICE, SHIELD MY COUNTRY FROM DESTRUCTION."

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Hm... Perhaps I just kept getting the replays? Anyway, I could not do that.

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He is one of the smartest people in any room he's in, including the U.S. Senate.

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One of my long standing grievances against the Democratic Party is that they WOULD'NT sink to their level. The Republicans have been slinging shit since I can remember, and dems never return fire until they're retired, or retiring from office. We need for Democrats to start being assholes for the people, not the meek little word mincing over thinking dumb fucks they have been since St. Ronnie.

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Wow such vile uneducated commentators here on this site. Nevada is glad to be rid of Harry, to bad his brother didn't finish the job! Unless you believe he is such a badass that a exercise machine really kicked his ass!

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According to Cheeto faced gasbag, that would be Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

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Yeah, there are a few of those.

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I just like Highlights - isn't Trump pretty much a gilded Goofus anyway?

anyway, I think you're reaching a bit with that "Idolize" thing, and I rather doubt our modern-day ability to insult people via the internet (you perhaps!) has much to do with the trajectory that put The Donald front and center for the GOP, as that road has been being paved for the last thirty or fourty years.

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Ooooo! Let's start dangling shiny bits to lure Senator Badass (the male one) over to the Wonkasphere! He's going to have a lot of hours to fill, and I think he could make a meaningful contribution to the late-night troll-baiting that goes on around here.

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Well... perhaps... technically. I guess.States' rights to be slave-holding states, right? Not that it had anything to do with slavery, naturally, sure, sure... *eyeroll*

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I assume you know your Book, which states that Earth is the Devil's domain.

Don't you have some godbothering to do? Somewhere else?

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"Trump's Will" Now that's something Melania can't wait to see.

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Yes... this all started right now with Harry Reid pointing out the obvious about Drumpflethinskin.

<eye roll="">

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I took a few sample tests when my beloved took the test a few years ago, and I was really surprised by how hard the tests were.

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Mazes have a well known liberal bias. They are low energy, they just sit there. Sad.

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