I haven't gotten a new Daredevil in _ages_ Mostly because depression, other errands, or lack of unclaimed funds run afoul. And now this. :(

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I haven't gotten a new DD since like '70 or thereabouts. ;-)

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Then *extend* the election and allow mail-in for the next three weeks. Allow absentee for everyone, no excuse required.

This is a case of creating a crisis by refusing to act, and then using the self-initiated crisis to attack the foundation of democracy. Canceling was not the only option; it was the *chosen* option.

He should be impeached and then go to jail.

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He could have extended voting and asked everyone who was going to vote to get their absentee ballots.

He delayed; created a crisis; and then choose *this* solution.

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Yeah, and he has paid multiple fines for FEC violations and for bundling those $20 contributions into well over $5k per person. And he has PACs. So you certainly can.

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It has been the official party platform since sometime in the thirties FFS.

Have you ever read a party platform or do you just believe whatever twitter says?

Veteran's health care by FDR

Medicare and Medicaid by LBJ

CHIPS children's health care after the Universal health care plan by then Clinton was defeated (Bernie voted against CHIPS, and opposed universal health care)


Medicare For All introduced every year in the House by Conyers. Bernie never bothered to cosponsor because it is not his idea, he just uses it to grift. He has raised ~$400M from people who are incapable of reading an actual comment.

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The members of the House of Representatives who voted for Obamacare in the face of death threats and spittle from the weeks of nonstop tea party hate.

The Clintons who faced years of hate and endless investigation for trying to expand medical coverage -- which Bernie opposed because the only shit he gives about M4A is the money his lies put in his pocked.

Yeah, the members of the CBC who spent time in hospitals for mob violence they were all about managing your expectations.

It really is all about your feeeeelings honey. No one else actually exist. It is just you. There are no republicans. Just you and your feelings which is what obviously should be central to the Dem party. Fuck all those kids insured under CHIPS, amiright, cause you have feelings.

This bizarre "MY FEELINGS UBER ALLES" version of socialism is beyond satire.

I hope you are a Russian troll and that no human is actually as much of an idiot as your words make you appear.

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>They weren't elected Democratic Party officials back then.They were by definition electing Democratic Party officials. They were superdelegates

They were members of the Democratic Party voting the Democratic platform which has been universal health care since the thirties.

I am sad Bernie took you money and lied to you about this.

But you have no excuse not to learn the most basic facts.

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Yes Biden is for universal health care!

Dems expand health care.

Republicans deny health care.

Bernie is a do-nothing lying grifter.

Those are the facts.

You are lying about my editing my comment. No truth is so small that you can contain it. You have truly reached an impressive level of dishonest idiocy.

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Blocked. You are a genuinely pathetic waste of time. I am concerned with blocking you that your repeated lies will be noted by the innocently ignorant.

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Plenty of reasons to put DeWine in jail but this isn't one of them. He postponed the election until June 2, not cancelled it, and he indeed delayed but still acted much quicker against this pandemic than most states and certainly much quicker than the feds. I read last weekend that South Korea was testing 10,000 people a day. At that writing the CDC had tested a grand total of 8.

In Ohio it takes some time to get on the absentee ballot list. A few hoops but nothing draconian, it is available to everyone. A very close friend has voted by mail for years, believing his vote is safer. I was never convinced since it is quite easy to "lose'" a mail-in, but I'll be submitting my applications (have to submit individual requests for each, I think) for the primary and general elections this week.

Better to direct your ire where it belongs. Your friendly neo-liberals who enables capital and give courageous lip service to the 98%, your GOP which has always sided with capital over the 98%, and the bungling mess that is the senate and executive branch. How about the "unbiased" news delivered by your corporate media? What are you going to do when the general election in the November is cancelled indefinitely?

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That was some 100% pure whataboutism. If you are *not* being paid by the IRA you really are doing some scut work for free. You should see how you can get hooked up because you are doing the work!

Oh yes, I should absolutely be angry at Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Nancy Pelosi in addition to anyone else the Bernie Brats have attacked. Not at the dangerous republicans in charge.

Is there any moment ever where it occurs to you that endlessly shitting on the Democratic Party is not productive? That holding Republicans responsible for republican policies is actually what is needed is a democracy?

You are so much part of the problem.

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What's the IRA? I could use some extra cash. Do not presume to know anything about me or my life. Your elitist, "my way or the highway" attitude leaves me cold. You obviously hate Bernie. I get it. I think Biden is a poor choice for many reasons. I won't list them but isn't our right to draw our own conclusions what democracy is all about?

I've voted Democrat all my life. I have not been completely happy with the outcomes. Case in point: I think we could have done better in 2008, with the presidency and both houses, than the for profit, insurance-drenched Obamacare. That is not UHC by my definition. Or Clinton's NAFTA and job creation miracle in low paying retail jobs with no benefits. Walmart is the largest employer in Ohio now.

The people are not stupid. They only know what their actual realities are. I like clean air but I also feel for the small towns built around coal and whose economies have been devastated by decisions out of their hands. The people want real power and a say in government's decisions. Neither party has delivered.

So here we are in 2020. I'll vote for whomever the Dems roll out because anything is better than a republican administration, let alone another four years of this corrupt cartel. But in your mind one must not criticize "the party" or say a very simple, nice thing about the opposition. That attitude smacks of the great silent majority and their "love it or leave it" chants during the Vietnam war protests. Sadly, many will.

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Still sounds like a shit show waiting to happen.

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Having moved to Oregon a few years ago, I can't believe I used to vote any other way. And it's not just mail in, if you miss the cut off for mail, you can drop your ballot at drop boxes all over the place. Very convenient.

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