Stupes gonna stoop

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Imagine being this big of a fan girl for a narcissistic pile of rapist garbage. Fuck, this woman is trash.

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Couldn't finish reading this article. Not your fault Evan, it was your subject matter.

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My brain flits from subject to subject too, but I never committed crimes against humanity, or provoked terrorists into trying to stage a coup.

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Any rational human being forced to spend five hours with Trump would run screaming from the room.

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If HE (caps, like the Lord&Savior) read to the last sentence... I mean if someone reading to him made it to the last line where she says "former president" he prolly got so mad. I'll bet he tried to send her the bill for dinner.

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All bewlshit. And one edit; the FORMER president picked up the tab. Also, he overcharged secret service for their meals and rooms, because OUR money.

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I'm a long ball hitter. I hit the ball 35 yards right into the woods and someone picks the ball up and sets it on green. Magnificent long ball I hit.-Tfg

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They start out same. Continue on the same and end the same.

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Too Stupid; Didn't Read

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Nothing of value was lost.

I mean, it's nice that Evan reads these things and reports back to us, but he gets paid to do that!

...and if you can, please contribute to your Wonkette. Because there's so much of value that should be supported.

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"You can trust me: my wife is a supermodel,"

Two lies in one partial sentence. He's still got it.

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I do! set up a monthly payment a few weeks ago, proud to be a Wonketteer!

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That PSA wasn't just directed at you (it just appeared in a response to you). If "peer pressure" can make people smoke weed and play the piano really fast then surely (Shirley) it can lead them to the contribution link.

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Love how these supposed "down to earth" evangelicals are so enamored by material wealth. Seems contradictory. And Trump's line about the tattoo was a classic creepy guy ice breaker to start talking about her body.

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It's something I've been meaning to do and finally did it. Mrs Mild does most of the political donation stuff (not that Wonkette is running for office), just trying to do my part to keep the content flowing.

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