Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023

Cooking for one is never a walk in the park and it is even more difficult with all of the medical restrictions I have to (or at least try to) observe. Thanksgiving poses even more problems.

So here is my strategy:

1. No traditional overeating blowout. This is for one, after all.

2. I cobbled together an attempt to approximate the Betty Crocker recipe for stuffing. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, and Onion. I thought I had some Sage on hand but apparently ran out so put in some Herbes de Provence Spices. I can't do bread crumbs (because carbs) so substituted Miracle Rice (a low-carb pasta that looks like rice, kinda.)

Then added some chicken bone broth, as turkey bone broth doesn't seem to exist.

The jury is out on how well this might work.

3. I have fresh green beans and will spend part of the day trying to steam them in the micro. With butter and almonds. Can't miss.

4, I have have some cauliflower, but I have a yen for Brussels sprouts. This will involve boiling them to death, so maybe I'll just settle for the cauliflower.

5. No dessert (because sugar) but maybe a small cheese plate.

Maybe, in my youth, I should have joined a Trappist monastery for the good eats.

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Post-Thanksgiving Assessment:

The sort-of-stuffing tasted like stuffing although the fake-rice doesn't have anything like the consistence of bread crumbs, so not a complete eat-alike experience. I think that next time around I'll look for a more granular version of rosemary as the flakes catch on my teeth.

The veggies went well, A few turkey slices and voila, Thanksgiving mini-feast.

I was sufficiently full that I downsized the cheese plate to a few slices of Amish Swiss.

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"aggressive efforts to wreck the careers of young people over their criticisms of Israel."

It was not criticism of Israel it was celebration of the atrocities of Oct 7th. I get she is at Harvard and has to live there, but that is some bullshit.

Absolutely, Elon somehow gets a complete pass for his non-stop hate-fash celebration. It would be a better argument if she did not pretend that her a subset of her fellow students are full-on haters as well.

She is literally doing exactly what she complains about: pretending her friends and colleagues are not haters.

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"Wreck careers". I just absolutely cringe when I read weepy commentary about how someone from Harvard had their offer from a Wall Street law firm yanked for supporting Hamas. I mean, so much concern over human rights and fairness (except when it comes to Jews), and they want to go work for Skadden Arps. To write briefs arguing that the concentration of heavy metals in Flint's water is within regulatory limits (enacted at your client's behest); that the workers who fell to their deaths were independent contractors, so your client wasn't obligated to provide them with safety gear; that the opiate medications peddled by your client are not addictive.

This is, perhaps, the most galling part of their entitlement. They want to play radicals for a couple of years and then go on to being genteelily antisemitic bourgeois, living a life of comfort and luxury, in gated communities, with kids in fancy private schools and a Maserati in the driveway. I take it, none of these "kids" ever took a basic history course; or even having taken one, drawn the obvious lesson: that real revolutionaries embrace hard lives.

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In the immortal words of Brian Griffin, undecided voters are the biggest idiots on the planet.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

Stephen, I'm glad to see you're an MST3K fan, too. Could I love you more?

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A nice turn of phrase in that Boston Globe article: "Republican Representative and professional irritant Matt Gaetz of Florida".

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That Bon Appétit article was truly awesome. Thanks for sharing Stephen.

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Renee Graham is a treasure. They often put her column on the same page as Jeff "Mostly Wrong" Jacoby (the Globe's attempt at finding a conservative pundit (he ain't)).

At the end of the year she writes about the LGBTQ+ people who've been murdered during the past year. It's a tough read, but necessary so that they aren't forgotten.

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I plan to watch this after I can get thru the preview without crying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8v1wQX-8Z0

I miss my dad. He was awesome. He loved my trans kid.

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I've only met one trans person (that I know of). She transitioned when the company I was working at was moving to a new location. She was one of the first people to move. The company (a big defense contractor) was very supportive of her (this was the mid-aughts). I ran into her once after that, she seemed happy.

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Transgender Day of Remembrance was Monday, just 33 hours ago where I am.


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In coordination with Wonkette's Recipe Extravaganza, I once again share my Turkey tips, and my Pumpkin Pie ala Martha Stewart But Not Quite

Turkey: https://substack.com/@sisterartemis/note/c-44077243?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=mwtl3

Pie: https://substack.com/@sisterartemis/note/c-44041581?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=mwtl3

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“A running list of advertisers who are fleeing Elon Musk’s $44 billion hate blog. If you’re still on Xitter, you can block any remaining advertisers from your feed”

If you’re still on X, maybe contemplate getting off it?

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

What if you only use Xhitter for the hardcore XXX gay porn, and every time you get off you're also pushing E-loon closer to bankruptcy?

Asking for a friend.

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Not a problem. I said something unkind about Elno and I got banned, because Elno is a fuckin' snowflake and a Nazi.

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Also, noted free speech absolutist unless you say something to hurt his feels.

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I don't use it anymore but I'm gonna make Elno do the work of deactivating my accounts - if he actually goes through with making everyone pay for it.

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

Since greek yogurt took over the market it's really hard for me to find "regular" yogurt. I really dislike the pasty consistency of the greek stuff. The local Vietnamese markets sell their own home-made yogurt it's kind of runny and tart but it works for me. Not always easy to have on hand though...

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Chobani is library paste.

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omg, same. I have to get the big tubs of plain and add my own fruit.

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As for that Metro article, that’s WAY beyond microplastics infiltrating places.

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On Sunday evening, after a weekend of negotiations, the board of OpenAI said it was going to stick with its decision to shitcan CEO Sam Altman. Two days later, Altman is back and the board is out.

All very mysterious, except that the NYT story tacks on a throwaway paragraph: "Thrive Capital, which is leading a new funding offer than will value OpenAI at more than $80 billion, said it would continue to partner with the company “now and in the future.”

No Altman, no $80 billion. Money talks, and $80B is pretty damned loud.


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Altman seems to be a notorious back-stabbing shit who is excellent at murdering open source.


which is why Microsoft loves him.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

"Democrats can’t ignore the negativity. They have to break through the noise and make it clear that Republicans are responsible for this mess."

Steve Bannon doesn't "flood the zone" for no reason. When there is seemingly chaos, people will look for a "simple" solution to quiet it down, generally to their detriment. I hope Dem's for the next year will speak with one voice without distraction on both platform and the danger of the opposition. And the party needs to present a clear, comprehensive message on immigration policies and strategies--I think the "open borders" framing by the opposition is proving materially detrimental.

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They should counter Open Borders with Welcoming Borders, stressing our history as a nation of immigrants.

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

Maybe Dems could simply point out over and over again that Republinazis *cause* the negativity and non-stop total chaos, and defeating them is the only way to stop it?

Centrist Dems seem bizarrely and repulsively wedded to the bullshit idea that the nation needs a "strong Republican party," while Republinazis want them all exterminated.

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I just don't get it. Why are Democrats always sucking up to people who would not piss on them if they were on fire?

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I'd like Biden to work in something like "Down in Texas they've got a governor that can't go one day without making public statements, widely reported, about an "open border"!

"If you're against undocumented border crossings maybe stop telling desperate people that the border is open!"

"Heck, He'll even even cite the record detentions by our border patrol agents in the same sentence! That's not how open borders work!"

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Break through the negativity … Start but driving a wooden stake through the heart of bothsiderist bullshit. A have a peaceful T-Day everyone.

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It is annoying AF when people complain about “all the hate and divisiveness” when it’s all coming from Republicans and Dems are trying to hold back the flood of sewage

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I think that’s one flavor of the bothsiderist nonsense. Maybe even the Ben and Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk of that nonsense.

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But is it the *Cherry Garcia* of nonsense?

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Not even the *Funky Monkey* of nonsense.

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I want to hear more about these erotic herb butter massages you big city folk are doing.

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We had no choice. Dildos give us diabetes, so we have to risk high cholesterol as the only alternative.

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A Thanksgiving dinner is not complete without a happy ending.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

That’s for after dinner when everyone else has gone home.

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