How many people could he have run over with his car??!?!?!?

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One would have thought that, by now, police would have realized that EVERYONE HAS A CAMERA, and every single one of their actions is being recorded.

One would have thought that, by now, police union leaders would have realized that the despicable actions of a minority of their members are destroying the reputations of their good members - the ones who actually take their jobs seriously - and that the utter loss of trust and respect that the public should have for them does irrevocable harm to them all.

One would have thought that, by now, police chiefs all across the nation would have figured it out that the people they are supposed to serve and protect are not going to take "administrative leave" or "reassigned to desk duty" as an acceptable punishment for those officers under them who so blatantly violate the laws they have been sworn to uphold.

One would have thought that.

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Sharpened or serrated?

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Kelly quoting Shapiro proving that two bad faiths just make more bad faith.

I cannot be writ more large than this.Racism.A black man was basically killed for disobeying police. He is only not dead through luck and cop incompetence. He did not have the knife, they never saw him with it, he never brandished it.A white man was ignored, basically protected, after committing murder, twice, and fled the scene while open carrying the murder weapon, while witnesses were identifying him to the police.

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Four NYC Police fired 41 shots at Amadou Diallo back in 1999 while he was in the vestibule of his apartment building, not a very big area, and they still only managed to hit him 19 times.


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I'm sorry to be shouty mcshoutface but


These people had every chance to contribute something useful to the "debate" when Kaepernick started kneeling (or earlier, if they had any brains). They chose not to. Any "thoughts" they may have right now are relevant only to their social workers.

I know I'm not a paying wonker, but I would respectfully submit that it's time to deplatform them altogether.

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I have a knife in my car.

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The cops are testilying again, it's SOP. They knew they were wired for sound so they shouted about a non-existent knife.

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They always do this.Every time some unarmed black bloke, or unarmed black little girl, gets shot stone dead by cops, they always say, "He was a bad character with a record and he or she was resisting arrest."Or sitting in his own home while some stupid jerk walks into it by accident and shoots him in the mistaken belief that it's her home and he's the intruder and so what if he's unarmed?Don't know about you but I would never just take the word of some right-wing website or "news" source that the dead bloke, or little girl, had a record, and I would sure never take the word of cops.Besides, even if it's true, as a rule the killers had no way of knowing at the time they killed that the victim had a record. As a rule he was just any black man or woman to them, and it's as just any black person they get killed, because he resisted arrest by turning his back, and so what Casey ol' bud we will just make up our justification later and Tucker Carlson will back us with the usual bullshit.So will our police union.

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Yes, other countries have different standards with better results.

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Ditto. My late bro, who was a paramedic/first responder & firefighter, made us all put knives in our cars, big & sharp enough to cut seatbelts in case of accident. Gosh, nobody's arrested me for it in 15 years, funny thing about that....

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"These people". Again . AAUUGGHH!

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They are really invested in being racist and allowing cops to kill blacks with abandon. These reactions to both Kenosha and Blake being shot show just how invested they are in this.

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Hereabouts "Long Gun" is admittedly lazy shorthand for anything that's not a hand gun. In my yute "long gun" meant rifle.

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'Tis. An old retired county sheriff from my hometown used call bullshit on all that "resisting" malarkey, too. He said that if one of his men charged anyone with resisting arrest, said deputy better have some marks on him. Otherwise, horseshit.

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