Bill Maher joins Drew Barrymore as a scab. Surprised?

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Why do CEO's get paid so much while workers wages are shrinking? Sheer greed?

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In a contract you can ask for anything. Like a clause saying that C-Suite officers' salaries can only rise in pace with worker salaries. So if from year to year workers get a 2% pay increase C-Suite officers can only get a 2% raise. And if management complains that they can't find anyone to fill those positions just point to all the well paid CEO, like Jack Welch and the woman at HP who drove their companies into the ground. A huge salary does not get you the best of the best.

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I can't help but think that the management and c-suite classes need to be reminded that they're workers, too: in this case the support workers for the people making/trading the actual product.

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Solidarity forever.

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I got called a communist on Xitter today for supporting unions (among other things), so I'm doing something right.

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Not long ago I refunded a shit ton of overdraft fees to guy who was part of the writer's strike. Today a UAW striker called to see if he could get some overdraft fees reversed. I was all "Fuck yeah you can!" except all professional and customer servicey- like. If I'm gonna make my living working for a filthy bank, I'm gonna give back where I can.

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Fuck scabs. Fuck trump. Fuck Ted Cruz. And for good measure, fuck scabs again

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I'm not gonna get mad at scabs for taking what they can get. Fuck Trump, Cruz, and the assholes who employ scabs.

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I have mixed feelings about unions. What percentage of them believe teachers should be entitled to the same wages and benefits as them? I understand that teachers do not get wages but get salary. Bottom line, do they support equal annual income and benefits for teachers?

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I don't have mixed feelings about Unions.

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I was in a union when I was a professor. It made a difference when my department got cut.

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Which is why I never support 1/0 either/or thinking.

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No employee is worth $30 million a year.

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What about athletes, actors, and others?

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

If LeBron James was personally in control of the salaries of box office workers and beer vendors and people who do...whatever it is they do to keep the court playable, and denied them a raise because HIS salary was tied to team profits, I'd tell him to go fuck himself. But he isn't. He is, however, the reason people buy tickets. If Barra was the main thing inspiring people to buy cars, she might be worth that money. But she's not.

In other words, it's not a good analogy. Also, as Chris Rock said (though he was talking about racism as a factor in generational wealth), "Shaq is rich. The white man who signs his check is wealthy."

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Amen. Just like you said, the athletes, actors, etc are the reason people pay money to go to sporting events, movies, etc. I follow politics pretty well and I had no idea who Barra was until this post. I don't buy GM cars, but who the CEO is of a car company has absolutely fuck all to do with the decision of which car I buy.

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It's just never enough for people like Barra. How do they live with themselves?

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Very happily, I'm sure. 1. they are completely convinced that they are worth every penny, and 2. fuck you if you don't like it.

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NOBODY makes it to that rung of the corporate ladder with their conscience intact. I think they usually have them surgically removed early on.

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Hm. Didn't certain unions support TFG last election? Maybe that was a bad idea? Sound bites of that interview should be God's gift to Dems in states with a strong union presence.

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Cop and firefighter unions sort of Don't Count with respect to what we're talking about here

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Why not? Law enforcement kid here. It's still a union.

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FTP. ACAB. 100%

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Sorry you feel that way. There are definitely bad apples, but good ones, too. And we're talking about unions, and how they are good, and on that point we agree.

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The Fraternal Order Of Police has devolved into a telemarketing scam. Have a nice day.

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couldn't agree more about that and not a real union. My family member was with IBPO. 100% a union family. I know cops are not always popular but they need protection also from municipalities that would screw them over, overwork them (my family member was ordered to work on a day off more than once, did you know they do that to cops and firefighters?) and cut raises, and to protect families whose union member dies or is injured in the line of duty, same for firefighters. My cousins, 7 kids, were protected after my firefighter uncle died after injuries sustained in the line. This is why unions are good and it doesn't change if it's cops or firefighters.

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Union of assholes who go after other unions...

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Props to Biden and dems for supporting the UAW workers. May the commitment to labor be ever stronger going forward.

Union today, union tomorrow, union forever.

Suck on it, anti-regulatory capitalists. Time to revisit the grasshoppers and the ants story, and then consider a proper offer.

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Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023

Trump is too fn stupid. Whines about everything, says nothing. Don't pay the workers? Let the execs reap record profits?

NO, Share folks. Share your excessive wealth with those to actually do the work. Give them more PTO. Given them bonuses comparable to your own. Feel the partnership for crying out loud. Don't listen to Mr. "all electric cars will be built in China", retraining to build electric cars IS IN this dispute. Pay them!!

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And how many of those auto workers are *still* voting for Trump because trans CRT profs are trying to take their gunzzz?

We are for unions but is the rank and file for us?

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They will be if the dems recommit to labor over Wall Street. But that will mean a commitment to a genuine legislative agenda to lift up the labor movement and workers in all fields in every state—even “right to work” states.

Play hard ball to get a better deal for workers and they will show up at the polls for you. Bigly.

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Ideally, yes... but unfortunately, culture-war tribalism has infected plenty of people who now no longer reliably vote according to their economic interest.

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Democrats are not pro-labor enough to dissaude a vote for Trump???

We can't get perfect results because *cough*Republicans*cough* but we are solidly on the side of better wages and working conditions and Joe is a labor stalwart.

It's REALLY not our fault...

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A lot? Just saw a story about Biden and the autoworkers, saying "what has he done for us?" I dunno, this ain't that hard, folx, if you read or watch anything other than Fox News.

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Agreed. This is a case where the president simply coming out in support of the striking workers is a big deal. It’s a significant signal in and of itself.

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Workers, regardless of how they vote , have a right to a decent wage.

When a company won't pay a fair wage while doing another $500M stock buyback says all I need to know. They have the money, they have a lot of money. They want more money for themselves while workers do without.

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Plus, we stand for what is right and just no matter how people will respond. Hopefully they will see and support those who fight for them.

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If they vote for their oppressors - and for the worst reasons - it is a bit hard to gin up sympathy.

There is a real sense that many blue collar workers rely on us for help when they get what they voted for.

I'm not saying to deny it,because we should be a decent country, but the victims/volunteers argument often gets very narrow...

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This UAW strike reminds me of a recent billionaire who said basically that companies should treat their employees like crap because damnit workers are wanting respect and aren’t desperate enough to take slave wages.

I don’t know. My company seems to think that valued employees are more productive. Hey! Wait a minute. They’re right.

Greed is the root of this world’s problems. Full Stop. Ben and Jerry’s had it right when it came to pay differences being only a certain % over what their lowest wage employees make, reinvesting the profits into the company to everyone’s benefit. Understandably turn over was low. Replacing and retraining costs a lot more in the long run and retaining.

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There actually are people IN THE BUSINESS OF SELLING THINGS who believe that Americans should have as little disposable income as can be gotten away with. Astonishing but true.

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UFT in solidarity.


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CWA Communication Workers of America. Stand tall!

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Right on!

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