If the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter has to do with his connection to Orbis, then Steele had better watch is back 'cause this shit just got real.

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and pee pee tapes. Oh, please, let it be pee pee tapes!

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What I noticed about $arah Fuckabee's statement was that she said we support our allies. She didn't say who she considers our ally.....

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I'll start a Gofundme site to reward them....

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Still 5th-6th largest economy in the world.Everyone out there -----> is just getting on with their lives, working, paying their bills,m buying stuff and pretty much growing ever-more immune to the cry wolf, sky-is-falling hysterics.Sadly, Nick Timothy has dripped poison into May's ear over the sensible EFTA/EEA 'single market' options. i.e. bringing the UK back to simple trade bloc membership, rather than part of the political goals of the post-Lisbon Treaty EU.Or maybe (just maybe) she's leading the WTO Ultras down the lane slowly, until the penny finally drops that 8-10 years of trying to agree a UKFTA with the EU, whilst stuck under EU rules with true 'pay no say' is idiotic and cake-and-eat-it: when the obvious and easy answer is to either take the off-the-peg EFTA and build from there, or remain in the EEA.Mind you, that's not good enough for the Remainer Ultras either.

Hey ho.

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No. Your spam is bad and you should feel bad.

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I think those are secondary. The one thing that would embarrass him in front of his minions would be the revelation that he is, in reality, a terrible businessman who's in hock to a bunch of Russkies. Which is almost certainly true.

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The silence from the White House says so much. Re-tweeting either fake or completely out of context videos from UK far right people (that are a tiny, tiny percentage of the population) to fuel Islamophobia. Fine apparently. Actual attack on us by Russia - yeah don't mention it or at least don't mention Russia. I have American friends that I love - hey I read Wonkette too, and I know that loads of Americans hate Trump, but really here in the UK it's basically "we don't want anything to do with you. We've got our own Brexit garbage fire, but you are trying to set the world alight". Are you sure that you can't bring back Obama? We love him.

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I'm not one for conspiracy theories but I am definitely a pee tape truther. It is real, it simply has to be. Nothing in this crazy world makes sense without it (to be fair, it still doesn't make any damn sense with it but at least I could laugh).

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I think she was obliged to go out and put a tiny fig leaf on what will undoubtedly be a totally lame response to this outrageous act.

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Hey! He has the best brain!

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It is all money. They have him by the balls. I suspect they have real shady shit on him.

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Like being unanimously disliked by everyone.

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Yeah I'm sure she'll be riiiiiight over standing up to Putin.

She's an abject coward and her party was just caught taking money from Russian oligarchs after trying to slander the leader of the opposition as a russian spy.

But I'm sure she'll find an opinion and stick to it for the first time ever.

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without a doubt

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