Oh they'll go away. Between the "plandemic hoax" and hatred for all things science based, and their advancing age, several of them will relocate to Forest Lawn before 2022. I say this as someone whose chronological age is well north of 50.

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I've got ongoing donations to both Ossoff and Wornock set up, through the runoff vote. I hope they both get in.

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Really? Republicans picked up more house seats than expected, held their own in the senate, and did better in local downballot races than expected.

Did they cheat too?

The stupid is caustic.

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They would probably do better claiming they were in prison from 2016-2020 for embezzling from their previous employer, than admitting that they were part of the Trump administration.

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Someone doesn't understand how asymptomatic infection works. Hey Gaetz! You're Typhoid F*cking Mary!

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Yep. I want him to survive Covid, and then take up residence in Levenworth.

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I think you just launched the next TikTok trend...

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I remember the feckless woman who complained that seatbelts wrinkled her dress in one public service ad. She was then shown in head to toe bandages in the hospital, like a mummy.

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OT. I am very disappointed in Ohio. What were they wanting from 4 more years of Trump? More trade war? Lose more jobs? More people get sick and die ? Let him destroy Dem run Cleveland?Now they are just another Red state. Just more of Eastern Indiana, Western West Virginia, and Northern Kentucky.Ohio was the dream of Freedom, the Promised Land, crossing the river Jordan, as the end of the Underground Railroad. US Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan say "Shame on you Buckeyes."

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GOP, the party of superspreading values.

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I was asking myself that also, too. who's getting him ready for school? does he have lunch? so many questions...

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Never underestimate the ability of Republican sycophants to fail upward.

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Ffs you would think a literal *brain surgeon* would be smart enough to avoid this but I guess when you are republican that cancels out all of your other brain cells

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Agree. I think it was the Bulldog that said "progress travels in a hearse."The Brit guy, not Hershisor."north of 50." Yung 'Unn ! 😹

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Matt “We Share No Bodily Fluids But He Is My Wife” Gaetz needs to be paddled not be on a board paddling.

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