really? i had no idea. so i just did a cursory google search, and now i have an idea of why you're pissed off at dan savage. it looks like there's much more argument than i have time to read right now.

i promise you that i had no idea that this was a sensitive issue. i've always liked dan's politics, but i generally ignore savage love and his opinions about sex and people and stuff, because who the fuck is he, anyway? i'm well-adjusted enough that i really don't need advice in those arareas, nor do i much care to read about other peoples' interpersonal/social/psychosexual insecurities.

i really had no idea he was controversial, and i meant no offense.

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Rebecca-I would like to make out with you.

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I'd never heard of the Outline until I clicked the clicky. Whether this is due to my being old is, I suppose, a matter of perspective: I'm 35, which means that boomers think I'm a millennial living in my parents' basement, and the post-millennials I teach just think I retire to a coffin at the end of the day.

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OLD here. Nixon??? Marni???

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I'd make out with her Mom. <g>

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No offense taken, even. I just don't like it when he's held up as an idol, when he has feet of clay, just like the rest of us! I generally agree with his politics, but quit reading him when he went after the last group it's safe to make fun of...fat people. I'd feel the same way if I was thinner, too.

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Fully agree... and we can call a douchebag a douchebag here.

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They seem somewhat obsessed with screaming YOU'RE NOT MY REAL MOM at Hillary Clinton and the Bush era.


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The good news is that about 30 years from now a new generation will be labeling these guys as out-of-touch old fogies.

If our world survives Trump.

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my favorite alt weekly was Everybody's News which was out of Cincinnati, but we had access to it in Dayton. But they basically shut themselves down long before the interweb became a big factor. Here we have the sorry excuse Dayton City Paper, which has been a stealth right wing publication for years. They have an admitted tin hat wacko who gets a weekly column that anywhere else would've been shamed out of existence years ago.

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Can't we do something about it? =( Sometimes I fell like Generation X (which I am a part of) seems to give up and say fuck it a lot. We HAVE to do something about this shit. We just HAVE to. We can't just lay down and die like they want us to. I wish I had ideas in my head right now, but I, just like a lot of us feel so overwhelmed with the scariness of it all that I feel like my brain is short circuiting. It would be lovely if you OP or any of the commentators can brainstorm.

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I am also Gen X. Sometimes I wonder if our cynicism and lack of political action is what got us in this mess to begin with. The greedy and the sociopathic elements that rise up when good men do nothing are doing just that. We are the "fuck it, nothing changes, it's all bullshit" generation. Granted politicians are generally full of shit, but can we at least try to get the ones who will do the LEAST amount of harm into offices? We are on a tipping point here.

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You know how it starts? By doing something, even if it's just sticking your head out the window and shouting. Posting on the internet, not so much. Revolution is like parenting; no one can tell you how to get it right, because no one ever gets it right. Just start somewhere.

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Here's a hug. Feeling pretty awful myself. Just finished watching S5 of the Wire, about how awful it is that local presses are faking a quote here and there Remember ten years ago, when we were still hopeful and honest like that??

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Well thanks a ton. There is not enough eye-brain bleach in the multiverse to get that picture of Bannon trying to pour his sugar on me out of my head.

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