"Armed militia standing in the stalls."With a wide stance, no doubt.

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Regardless of gender mix, or lack thereof, I don't want "talking to the person in the stall next to them" to ever be normalised, other than perhaps in dire toilet paper-related emergencies.

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Or where they got those cute shoes!

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Huh. That makes sense. So you do sit on them, & those are footrests. TIL!

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He doesn't seem that romantic to me!

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I attended University of Colorado-Boulder from '76-'81 and lived in a co-ed dorm, males on one side, females on the other. Bathrooms were on either end, but most folks, including me, used whichever was closer. I came from a family of boys, so it didn't fuss me. It *was* considered polite to knock first on the men's 'cuz some poor dude might be using the urinal and having a girl walk in might surprise him a little too much.

Pretty much after a couple of weeks, no one was terribly prudish about it. Guy in the bathroom? Unless he's just hangin' out there being creepy (which no one did) nobody was too fussed.

Then again, CU was considered Sodom and Gomorrah in those days and we all reveled in it!

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Oh sure, I'll just snap a pic of my vag with my phone so I can show it to the bathroom monitors?

What is this, grade school?

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It's not supposed to be enforced, it's supposed to humiliate. Like every separate-but-equal law in history.

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In 8th grade our class (from a tiny Lutheran school. 8 students in the 8th grade, about 20 in 7th) went to Chicago for the weekend. The last day we went to some Humongous building so large I simply couldn't believe it. Soldier's Field maybe?

Anyway, a bunch of us girls went in search of a bathroom, but all we could find is ginormous piss rooms lined with urinals on both side and a few lonely toilets with no walls of any kind. (WTF is that? As a kid I once poo'd myself 'cuz I couldn't poo in an enormous bathroom with no walls around the toilets crammed with about 50 women).

All of us finally backed ourselves in the urinals to get the job done. It felt more protected than sitting on a naked pot.

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My former bf used to sit on the pot to pee sometimes and he said the only problem was when the water level was high, his dick would hit it. He didn't like that & it sure sounds icky to me.

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Meh, I had two baby brothers. I saw all the boy junk I ever needed right there.

But it did get interesting when I was in high school. Just sayin.

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Well, I think it basically repealed ALL types of anti-discrimination laws, so yeah, I believe it's now legal to discriminate with regard to race, gender, religion... Anytime someone 'offends' your godly, sincere beliefs you can discriminate all you want.


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Soldier Field. Or Marshall Field.

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Yes. That's the problem.

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"Wanted for immediate employment: eunuchs."

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Babbies bornd will haz a UPC tattooed on their little buttocks and that'll be their admission to the proper potty. The other buttock will say "Small government, my ass!"

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