Thanks. I was going to look it up, but I figured that someone who used them regularly could explain what they were and how they worked.

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I just googled it too haha.

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Thank you, Baby Jeebus!

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Who needs google when ya got the Wonkette.

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And I suspect that if Mick Mulvaney has to take the stand under oath no matter how hard McConnell tries to prevent it, that will do the President a lot of no good, or else, if he perjures himself, do Mulvaney a lot of no good.

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No snark (that'll be a surprise to my friends). Keep bringing it, Liz.

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If this is a bar, gimme a double anything.

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Honestly, he could have just told congress "I'm not spending it for reasons." and they would have slowly worked something through the courts to force him to spend it, probably missing the Sept. 30th deadline but because of the courts and then limped along.

The big thing he's being constantly nailed on is he didn't tell congress. It lead to so many verbal gymnastics, all of which are maybe probably definitely illegal and then lead to the whistleblower telling Trump's IG who then kicked off the whole impeachment business by investigating and agreeing with the whistleblower.

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Moscow Mitch strikes again. Time for Moscow Mitch to break into prison. He apparently wants desperately to live there.

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Remember that time they didn’t re-raster a .pdf, and the bars were on a layer that one could turn on and off?

Those bars are right there with ellipses—I prefer the visually less-active ellipses.

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Honestly he'll probably just repeat "I do not recall" over and over and over again. We'll be lucky if he admits to recalling his name.

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There are no good fact witnesses for Donald Trump.

This is why we need lawyers covering this. The ability to distinguish fact witnesses from other witnesses is only one among the many crucial details necessary to articulate in order to fully and accurately describe just what the hell is so fucking wrong in all this.

Trump (and Republicans generally, hell, politicians generally) will always be able to put someone up in front of the world to say that what they're doing is very legal & very cool. Much of that shit needs to be ignored to avoid misrepresenting what's actually going on. Being able to focus on fact witnesses and being able to distinguish which other witnesses help clarify rather than cloud the picture is the bare fucking minimum we should expect from the media folks covering all this.

...and yet...


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And he rocks them star-spangled trousers.

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I have been saying for weeks that the most obvious evidence that Trump was doing this for his personal benefit is that he has presented no evidence that he attempted to re-evaluate prior decisions that the aid should be released. In government, if you want to buck the bureaucrats, you have to have meetings and consultants defending your side, even if those groups are stacked with sycophants.

Now, it looks even worse than that. We have DoD regularly telling him that holding the funding is likely illegal and that they had recommended releasing the money weeks earlier. Not only did he fail to get any evidence supporting his hold, or to say why he changed his mind at almost the last moment, now it looks like people were saying he was acting illegally. And that people in OMB were already concocting weird justifications not based on corruption, but on his executive authority to bypass congress.

Not that that will change any GOP minds. I really think he could shoot a journalist in the head on television and the GOP would make excuses and all 53 Republicans in the Senate would still vote not guilty on impeachment charges.

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I'm not really familiar with all things modern sometimes. John Daly: is "hashtag-of" a big trending thing now? Or "hashtag-our?" I think I'll go tweet-surfing, and see what I can find under the hashtag "of." Bet it's viral AF.

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Trump is as corrupt as they come and then some. His lack of reading skills doesn't help him cover it up. His henchmen aren't the sharpest crooks in the World. Gotta wonder how much of the GOP support for Trump is complacent and how much is complicit.

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