Eight years before Dune, he was amazing as the villain Sejanus in I, Claudius. One of the best things about a nearly perfect show.

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If it's all he same with you, I would prefer not to fuck Tom Price in the earhole, or any other hole for that matter. I have these things called standards.

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I lived through the 80's. In gay years, 28 is pretty fucking old.

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Hey, at least they're willing to take a position.

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Little Feat - definitely aural sex.

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So happy that Sanders no longer considers LGBT rights as identity politics that he railed against during the Democratic Primary.

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We've always had a Gay Old Time.

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Well, at least they're just counting them...for now.

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But gayness is different than mere shellfish... weenies and hoo-haas and other vulgarities are involved!! And shellfish doesn't generally make parishioners feel all funny funny in that secret way.

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and he is - at least to my memory of lear - well endowed.

course, the heath scenes are not really about dick size.

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Please carry on!

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it's when they start asking us to pin pink triangles to our shirts to help identify us that I start to worry.

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And to travel to "resorts" accessible by train....

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Agreed. To quote The Boys in the Band: "Honey, it takes a fairy to make something pretty."

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All survivors make delightful companions. And we invented brunch anyhow, so there you go.

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Thank you for that.

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