A missed opportunity to say that "tWatters twote!" Otherwise a great article.

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Ken Paxton is a tool. A useless one but a tool nonetheless 🤷‍♀️

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We are talking Oldowan hand-ax here.

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The early models, made by experimentally minded australopithecines.

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Bless their little stony cold hearts.

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... Promise made, promise kept!

Beautiful, Dok!

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Who was it, again, who coined the phrase "Fuck Your Feelings" to express their concern at the disappointment and rage about the fact that Donnie, with a lot of help from the FBI and Putin, somehow slithered into the Oval Office? No doubt a quick search of gauleiter Fredersdorf's oevre will turn up a similarly condescending dismissal of the majority of American's disgust and disbelief when, in 2020, the reptile in question was awarded the Presidency.

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Ken Paxton IS a tool.

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jesus christ people!!! how many times do i have to say TRUMP IS NOT SHAKESPEAREAN. TRUMP IS UBU ROI.

have ANY of you been to theater camp?!?!

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Or Arturo Ui.

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It really gets my ire up when republicans are talking about New York being a kangaroo court. Where is their proof that things were not done properly? On what grounds is Donald Trump's team appealing? Everything was by the book. In fact, Judge Merchan was not as strict with the constant violations of Trump's gag order, because he knew that incarceration would be a distraction. Trump got special consideration. Show us the proof of judicial malfeasance. There is none. They just complain with no evidence.

Also, what is it with the people in those CNN swing state interviews. People talking about their concerns for this election. Some are TRUMP FOREVER, others speak about the economy, some say they don't like either candidate. Nobody says that this is a choice between democracy and dictatorship. Does anyone believe that Donald Trump will ever leave the White House if elected? Why aren't people talking about this more. It is our democracy on the line. I want to post flaming eyes emojis. I just can't even anymore. WTF Americans?

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Kangaroo slur!

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"Kangaroo slurry"

It's what's for dinner.

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The only semi-rational routes for appeal I've heard are:

1) Merchan was conflicted due to his daughter's influence.

2) Certain testimony was admitted during trial that MAY have been improper.

3) The (novel) application of the law was flawed.

#1 has already been heard and dismissed by the NY Supremes. #2 is possible, but Trump's lawyers failed to object at the time. #3 hinges on whether an appellate court finds fault with Merchan's jury instructions, and I'm not a lawyer so I can't really weigh in on the likelihood of that.

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That's my vibe too, but they are really grasping at straws. I am sure that everything Judge Merchan did was solid, no mistakes. I can't believe they would have a case on his jury instructions

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Conservative tears. 2024 was a good vintage.

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I don't know - they all taste like shit to me.

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The angry people who are angry at everything are angry about the verdict? Ya don't say.

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"Apologies" to Garry Trudeau? Dok, that's what Trudeau drew that cartoon FOR. He even does it himself:

"Guilty, Guilty, Guilty" A Doonesbury Book


"The Flashback," October 17, 2017:


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It was about Nixon, though, I believe.

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Watergate. John Mitchell, though, not Nixon.

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You are right, thanks!

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Yes, it was. Same old song, earlier version.

And to think I hated Nixon. Ah, those innocent days!

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Secede, Ken! We'll let you all go this time. Promise.

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Hmmm...can't Ken have Abbot just declare war on NY? because Texas and guns right?

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Once we get to the amphibious landing stage, Texas is fucked.

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Ken Paxton knows corruption when he sees it.

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"Just you wait, when Trump wins because this made everyone in America mad, then Trump will lock you all up, all of you writing and reading this."

He can try. I'm in Canada.

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I wish I had planned ahead like you.

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You wily not-American. You knew Trump's felony convictions now prevent him from entering your country.

Well played.

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Extradition comin up...

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Wait, expelling Messicans and IMPORTING Canadians?

Not all Canadians are white you know.

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Fuck their feelings. That is all.

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