Put up your Dukes, racist Grandma!https://media4.giphy.com/me...

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Wouldn't be very "conservative" if they trample the 1st amendment.

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Ha ha, no it doesn't.

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How much laughing is typically allowed when a judge dismisses a case?

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I hate that the right always gets away with re-writing history to make themselves look better. Not this time fuckers.

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Depends on the case. In this one, AOT,K.

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They're taking a page from Herr Trump, when he claimed to not hate Mexicans even when he generalized them all as thieves and rapists.

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BiteBart's suit should go about as far as Trump suing the ladies who accused him of assault.

What with truth being a pretty solid defense and that cesspool having a hard time proving it was defamed.

Whom did BiteBart hire to lead the attack - Oily Titz?

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So Trump told "the press" he was holed up for the night, and then snuck out of his Tower of Power to go to dinner with his family.

The hapless Hope Hicks asked the media to "respect his privacy." Trump - the greatest publicity whore in the Western Hemisphere! He makes the Kardashians look like J.D. Salinger. (And, back in the day, he certainly would have been willing to bang the 18-year-old Joyce. Maynard.)

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Hasn't breitbart taught us over the past eight years that presidents aren't supposed to waste our hard-earned tax dollars going out to dinner, taking vacations, rounds of golf, diplomatic trips abroad, or just about anything that requires them leaving their official residences?

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*sad wave from Australia*

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... I tried that, but when people asked me what I was laughing about, I broke down and wept with the wailing and the gnashing of teeth... which left them even more confused.

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... does Bannon know that Jared Kushner (the Trump son-in-law) is one of them there Joos? And that Mr. Ivanka has the ear of his Joo-convert wife, who Daddy Donnie loves and trusts above everybody else? That's gotta be a hard circle to square...

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Breitbart News rejects racism in all its varied and ugly forms. Always has, always will,” the statement continues.

Someone should tell the comment moderators. I think they don`t know about this "rejection" thing.

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Why do people have to be so mean to racists and bigots?

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And Bannon's not smart enough to get hired to design rockets.

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