I threw up.

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It really <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Euclid&#039\;s_Elements" target="_blank">is</a> a great title for a book.

Irony alert: geometry <em>also</em> leads to ungodly modernism when you ask what happens if you <em>don't</em> assume that parallel lines never meet. Also too, Euclid weren't no monotheist.

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I second Siena and Florence but ima add Venice. As long as it's not in August.

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Greece too? I am now happy/jealous. Go to Santorini for me.

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How many teachers out of work again because of budget cuts? And this is what passes for education?

May the ghosts of Howard Zinn, W.E.B. DuBois, and Charles Darwin haunt these anti-intellectual losers in their sleep.

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The pee algorithm is a sacred mystery of Intense Debate. Things that are believed to drive it up are upfists, volume of dependent comments, and followers. You provide an interesting new data point.

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Republican voters ... they have to come from somewhere.

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No, they don't. That would mean getting involved in politics, and they definitely steer clear of that.

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Hey, I was ahead of the curve for once.

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You mock, like an apostate, but numerals other than the good, blessed Roman ones have come into widespread use all over the world. We'll never be rid of them. It's just like slapping God right across the face.

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Or perhaps something along the lines of:

... "No intersecting in here, dammit! You want me to lose my permit?"

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You lynch one uppity colored boy, and that's all anybody wants to talk about.

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Mullet Jesus does have a certain inbred southern je ne sais quois.

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Jesus Christ!<br /><br />From your link:<br /><br />Well, in a brilliant stroke of imagination, physicists have named this force \"the strong force.\"The strong force is a force which attracts protons to protons, neutrons to neutrons, and protons and neutrons to each other. BLAH BLAH BLAH...<br />

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I really love your peaches, wanna shake your tree.

--- Song of Joker

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God is the strong nuclear force? We should be praying to Gluon?

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