"If you have no serious ambition and can't successfully make deals or alliances with anyone important, you should run for Jill Stein not governor of an actual state." Dying dying dead.

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Also to "Work Til You Die" and the ever popular "Please Clap".

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I subscribe to the NYT and WaPo, but I give my +1 subscriber with another member of my Resistance cohort. I like to read the BS in its original form, which is often behind the paywall. I also subscribe to the local rag, the Atlanta Urinal-Constipation (ajc.com) in paper form on Sunday and online everyday.

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Oh I did not make it that far, I flew back from Bucharest, but went on a tour through the Carpathians to visit Bran's Castle which was supposedly the inspiration for Dracula.

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I was in the Ukraine part of the Carpathians. Yaremche. Now I'm in Chernivisti, the city was once claimed/occupied by Romania, as well as the Austro-Hungarian empire, the Ottoman Turks, Poland and the USSR. the paving stones on the main shopping street have "Chernivisti" engraved in Cyrillic, Polish, German, and Hebrew. Lovely little city.

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So much of what passes editorial judgment these days could be decided by a coin flip. Authentic or artifice? Scrappy or spineless? Assertive or un-hinged?

Stop shitting the bed, Media.

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Then Starr went to Texas to protect Baylor football-playing rapists from the law.

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I re-upped recently, but this is having me reconsider. I have relatives working on Gillum's campaign. He is the real deal, which these fucknuggets can't seem to wrap their minds around.

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I guess they're divided between two. I like to read about when the Labour party was born though. Conservatives laughed so hard at the idea workers should have their own party. Like dogs having their own haute cuisine. Ha ha ha. Kier Hardie. Ha ha. I mean, who else but the workers??? It just shows how each group has to fight its way out of a box that makes it non-existent. Excuse the nonsequitur.

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well, when you're the 5th kid of a construction and school bus driver, don't you automatically get into the best Country Clubs?

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Go ahead NYT, call Mr. Gillum "Uppity"

You know you want to do it, I double-dog dare ya!

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My BIL is from England, and he told me the Guardian is the only English paper worth reading. I don't know what party he'd belong to in England, but he is an American style liberal.

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I was young then, but old enough to understand the war and feel the protesters were right. However, I also remember Walter Cronkite coming out pretty heavily against the war. Maybe a few others. So it wasn't "the media" as a whole, I recall.

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SS: "Toucha toucha touch me, I wanna feel dir-ir-ty."

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