What would Jesus do?Punch Roy Moore right in the face.

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I started sobbing when I first saw this video. This man touches my heart. He speaks out for his daughter even though he's obviously nervous. I grew up about an hour from Mr. Mathis, so I know how brave he is to stand out there with his sign, standing up for gay people in rural south Alabama.

My favorite quote is "It won’t be the first time I’ve done something to no avail, OK?" Truth! Sometimes you just have to do what you know is right even if you don't know what the outcome will be. I hope he was gratified by the outcome tonight.

Thanks for posting the letter. I hadn't see that. My heart goes out to this kind and courageous man.

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It was more difficult than it had any right or ought to be.

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The real tragedy is that it took the life of his flesh and blood for him to see his own and the institutions he holds dear's error.

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That's not a gene, that's trained and conditioned through parental ignorance, bleatings delivered every Sabbath day, and Fox News.

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It's a Roman Catholic thing. Albeit abused frequently.

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In a theological sense yes, in a broader sense even us atheists can atone for our actions.

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Wish I could give him a bear hug, brave fella!

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well, with His other cheek, maybe.

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and crinkly Steve and poop-lip Donny sure helped

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Hugs. Glad you survived.

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I enjoyed this, maybe you will too. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Stealing. Bill, I swear you have a meme for everything.

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"Ripples in water" my mother would to say. This is what courage is.

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Birmingham's Bizarre Bazaar.

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