Careful who you <a href="http:\/\/www.google.com\/imgres\?um=1&amp\;hl=en&amp\;safe=off&amp\;client=firefox-a&amp\;hs=ZDN&amp\;sa=N&amp\;tbo=d&amp\;rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&amp\;biw=1024&amp\;bih=617&amp\;tbm=isch&amp\;tbnid=6A4Pm0ENoCwHtM:&amp\;imgrefurl=http:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Tales-From-Leather-Dave-Sheridan\/dp\/0867190434&amp\;docid=-aSCnRziUBo2wM&amp\;imgurl=http:\/\/ecx.images-amazon.com\/images\/I\/51PGZB5SD5L._SL500_AA300_.jpg&amp\;w=300&amp\;h=300&amp\;ei=tunoUObWAs-90QGovIGAAQ&amp\;zoom=1&amp\;iact=hc&amp\;vpx=83&amp\;vpy=118&amp\;dur=644&amp\;hovh=171&amp\;hovw=171&amp\;tx=99&amp\;ty=141&amp\;sig=105563461423834172341&amp\;page=1&amp\;tbnh=137&amp\;tbnw=137&amp\;start=0&amp\;ndsp=24&amp\;ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:93" target="_blank">who</a> you hang out with Father Wickdipper.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.thesmokinggun.com\/file\/dead-reverends-rubber-fetish\?page=1" target="_blank">Hands tied behind the back, feet tied, plastic cords tying hands to feet and hands to neck</a> ... and investigators determined that he "was alone in his home at the time." In Alabama, "investigate" must mean something different from what I'm used to.

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with a studded clerical collar and leash

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That way he only has to confess once.

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Even referred to as that in the novels of Lucy Maud Montgomery.

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OMG- they double-dog dared you?

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Poutine Libel!!

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it also makes a real lousy safe word

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finally! a wonkette story we can all get behind!

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also (catholic and jewish) editrix: which part lapsed faster?

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With record numbers of people leaving the church (and donations presumably down), a Pope Guido Sarducci could turn things around for The Cult of the Red Beanie.

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Father Guido certainly gave a boost to ZZ Top

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Saint Aloysius- the patron saint of BDSM

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Sounds like there's a market for a new boutique industry: Kink Zones for Naughty Priests.

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and this proves why we can't let teh wimmens be priests or let teh gheys get married

mumble, mumble, something about the sanctity of the institution...

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No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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