They are evil to the core.

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Isn't it crazy how the states with no worries about "border security" are the most rabidly, stupidly insistent that "they're pouring over our open borders"--I keep inviting them to walk into Tijuana from San Ysidro and then try to get back into the U.S. without a U.S. passport--or just look at a fucking picture of our southern border with Mexico, with the two-hour wait at border control, car inspection, dogs, and the surprise additional border control fifty miles into the country.

Also, Idaho, there are hundreds of thousands of Canadian undocumented immigrants here--that's just as big a concern, isn't it? You don't like undocumented immigrants from ANYwhere, right, Idaho? I EXCLUDE DOK FROM ALL IMPRECATIONS ABOUT IDAHO

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Hey, don't forget us! -Adolf and Pol Pot

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It would be better if it's the floor of the House so they have to step over our bodies. But honestly I'd rather get the tumbrels and guillotine so it doesn't have to be OUR bodies

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Wasn't there some horrific clause estimating that this would save money because more people would die? Buried in there somewhere?

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Both of my parents were in a MediCal-subsidized nursing home before they died 16 years apart. Apparently they had the good sense to pass on before this shit show went down. And me? I have surgery on Monday, but I'm good for now because my husband has Kaiser through work. It would take so little to put us on the streets, and soon. We as a nation are now living day to day or even hour to hour.

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How many Madame DeFarges are we gonna need for a country this size?

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Nobody's answering the phone in Yertle McConnell's office? https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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GOOD FOR YOU. You rock.

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I know, it's ludicrous. If someone wants from Mexico gets to the US and ends up in Idaho, they are welcome to stay. We could use the diversity.

Of course, with refugees and a growing Hispanic population, Idaho IS becoming more diverse, but I'm sure that only fuels the rabid insecurities of this state's white population.

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"Also, Idaho, there are hundreds of thousands of Canadian undocumented immigrants here--that's just as big a concern, isn't it? "

They're white, I'm guessing.

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As much as he's openly admired the dictators, that part of this hadn't occurred to me.


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Sorry, Dude, but Miss Nancy is MY congress critter and I like the things she has done for my district and the country. I use the Golden Gate National Recreation Area several times a week and if it weren't for her it would all be industrial or high density housing or both. Her last section was her closest, 80.9% to 19.1% and right now it's closer to a 90% approval rating for her. she's not leaving until she can find a comparable replacement. I am a straight married father living and working in the City, but I like her and her San Francisco values. So, stick it where the sun don't shine.

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My mother has been disabled from birth. I am going to be a real pain in the butt.

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