And they said it with hardly any punctuation.

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Businesses owned by Scientology do that kind of shit regularly. They thinly disguise it as something else at first, but when the employees get the training, it's straight Hubbard gobbledygook.

Scientology also gives people a commission when someone send them on their "courses". I wonder if that's the case here. What is the relationship between whoever is forcing employees on these ridiculous "seminars" and Alive Seminars ?

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Fortunately I have never been subjected to nonsense like this. But if I had had you bet Oh Boy I would showed them what negative energy was *all about*.

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that is some messed up shit right there.

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I was a young five years old when I had to bring my mom the note that we would be given physical exams at school the next day. I read the words "make sure to wear loose fitting clothing" and I knew what the fuck was up, even at that age.

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That keyword bullshit in that "About us" statement sounds like discarded Scientology affirmation statements

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EST and Landmark were both founded by ex-clams, and a lot of these things are in turn inspired from them.

People getting scientology-like processes in these "leadership courses" would not surprise me one bit. Scientology processes don't involve getting undressed, but they do involve group humiliation, repetitive processes and exposure of highly personal stuff as a means of breaking down the psychological defenses and acquiring control over "students".

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I won't go to Panda Express again. I hate chicken shit employers.

Suppose anyone could get a good job?Nobody would work for McDonalds.

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Oh wow. That is going to be in my head all day. "I don't FEEL tardy."

The only really scary part is leaving full time work behind for the duration of school. I haven't not had a full time job since I was 21. However, I have tried doing fully time work and part time school and it takes so long to make progress.

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That's so great. Being your own boss is the dream. What kind of business will you be starting?

I'm going to be very interested to know when you get your vaccines. I'm getting mine tomorrow morning, by the way. It's the Johnson & Johnson one. We should get lunch.

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This is a bit confusing. If we sign up is the hugging in underwear GUARANTEED?

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"Alive Seminars and Coaching Academy began with a vision and a statement powerful. That as the declaration is made, the action is taken Which was done with love and passion. With that love and passion creating basic and advanced programs and Leaderships To prepare leaders both in their community, in their jobs and their homes Alive continues to thrive on our dedication and passion given to each individual person and that is why great doors continue to open in our walk. Always remember the change in me will change the world." This shit isn't even English.

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As an editor for 30 years, I was struck with that immediately -- this crap isn't English.

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That is the truth.

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I guess I did ask you for a date. It felt like a good idea. You seem nice Thank you very much. I will be using that.

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Who at Panda Express read that and thought, gee this would be a great place to send our employees? It sounds like something out of a sit com.

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