https://uploads.disquscdn.c... We must make the Clammies a thing. Perhaps that could be the name of the trophy awarded to the Legislative Shitmuffin of the Year.
The Tsumugi I posted is from a show called Sweetness and Lightning, which my wife describes as a stealth cooking class. Her dad is a recent widower who teaches in high school, and one of his students' parent owns a restaurant, and they learn how to cook together. I'm not sure where the "lightning" part comes in, but the show (and manga) definitely live up to the "sweetness".
Here is she walking to the restaurant to get help for her dad, who's in bed with a cold and has no idea his 4 year old daughter is walking on her own across town.
As someone who likes furrin pop, English is a popular singing language in many countries. Even if they don’t speak English often the chorus will be in English or a verse/the spoken word will be English(may God have mercy on their English tutors). Same is true of French and probably other colonising languages. But the English language market is huuuuge and many foreign acts have crossover hits this way. Shakira, Pussy Riot, Christine and the Queens, Rammstein, Julio Iglesias, Santana... as Rammstein says, “This is not a love song. I don’t sing my mother tongue. We’re all living in America.”
I ignored the cookie cutter music. My stepson could have wrote that in five seconds and can sing better(he installs irrigation for a living, because neither his father, nor I are oligarchs.).
I couldn’t really grasp the Clinton angle other than maybe trying to say these were her peers at some point. I think she was the one who threw the envelope on the table at the card game. The one that shows up at the end in the control room where dude was deleting Trump from the pee video. Maybe that was the angle? Lie down with dogs, and you get fleas? Fair enough from the perspective of a country whose government decides who is rich, as opposed to our country, where the rich decide who is governing.
Honestly, I think dude is either trying to say the whole rigged election thing is bullshit(my Occam’s Razor observation), Clinton brought this on herself(my uninformed view of the children of Russian Oligarchs who get record deals due to the hard work of falling out of the right vagina), he’s trolling the US in general(what I would do if I were him, so I can’t judge), or he’s trolling Trump(which I would also do so KUDOS!!!eleven!!!!).
It’s all over the place. It only has the most prominent figures, so maybe it’s more a commentary on how absolute power corrupts absolutely. I have little faith in Trust fund babies since I’ve had extensive experience with them. They are pretty much educated children who never grasp how extremely lucky they are. Some however, I didn’t know were trust funders until they got their trust, because their family always lived modestly and respected working stiffs like me. Still others, were just wonderful people(very fucking few, one family to be precise). This may be the best attempt at art from a spoiled brat, Veruca Salt on T-Rex level steroids, clueless trust fund baby I’ve ever seen. My only reason for saying this is that it is so op n to interpretation that it is more artful than propaganda. If he meant it as propaganda though? Yeah, he sucks more than Ted Cruz when Trump’s grundle has a message about how Cruz’s wife is ugly and obese.
I am no expert, but I do like to examine “art”. I could not peg this one, so I’m confused. There’s no talent in composition or performance, but the message is better hidden than the pee tapes.
Not watching nor listening. My time is too precious to waste on Russian trumpers.
https://uploads.disquscdn.c... We must make the Clammies a thing. Perhaps that could be the name of the trophy awarded to the Legislative Shitmuffin of the Year.
Emin uses dial-up internet service? Welp, that's Russia for ya. Also, why is Ed Begley Jr. in a blond wig?
Kawaii! Thanx. ^_^
The Tsumugi I posted is from a show called Sweetness and Lightning, which my wife describes as a stealth cooking class. Her dad is a recent widower who teaches in high school, and one of his students' parent owns a restaurant, and they learn how to cook together. I'm not sure where the "lightning" part comes in, but the show (and manga) definitely live up to the "sweetness".
Here is she walking to the restaurant to get help for her dad, who's in bed with a cold and has no idea his 4 year old daughter is walking on her own across town.
I do not recognize her. Which anime does she come from?
I had to google her -- I knew I should know who she was, but I couldn't place her. Been too long since I watched K-ON!!, I guess.
Nowadays when I hear the name Tsumugi, I think of this little girl: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
Seemed to me like he was trolling Trump. Reminding him that people still have stuff on him.
This isn't just any third-rate pop star; this is a Kremlin-connected third-rate pop star.
At the end you expect to hear "I'm Vladimir Putin, and I approve this video."
Don't you mean your Fearless Leader?
Shooting folks who disagree with persons using their First Amendment rights I don't see as consistent with "a well-ordered Militia."
That trick never works!
I watched a little. Tedious AF.
Ugh...Robin Much-Thicker.
Read the article because Wonkette/Evan, but only *click on the video* because you hate thyself.
Well. That was..loud.
As someone who likes furrin pop, English is a popular singing language in many countries. Even if they don’t speak English often the chorus will be in English or a verse/the spoken word will be English(may God have mercy on their English tutors). Same is true of French and probably other colonising languages. But the English language market is huuuuge and many foreign acts have crossover hits this way. Shakira, Pussy Riot, Christine and the Queens, Rammstein, Julio Iglesias, Santana... as Rammstein says, “This is not a love song. I don’t sing my mother tongue. We’re all living in America.”
I ignored the cookie cutter music. My stepson could have wrote that in five seconds and can sing better(he installs irrigation for a living, because neither his father, nor I are oligarchs.).
I couldn’t really grasp the Clinton angle other than maybe trying to say these were her peers at some point. I think she was the one who threw the envelope on the table at the card game. The one that shows up at the end in the control room where dude was deleting Trump from the pee video. Maybe that was the angle? Lie down with dogs, and you get fleas? Fair enough from the perspective of a country whose government decides who is rich, as opposed to our country, where the rich decide who is governing.
Honestly, I think dude is either trying to say the whole rigged election thing is bullshit(my Occam’s Razor observation), Clinton brought this on herself(my uninformed view of the children of Russian Oligarchs who get record deals due to the hard work of falling out of the right vagina), he’s trolling the US in general(what I would do if I were him, so I can’t judge), or he’s trolling Trump(which I would also do so KUDOS!!!eleven!!!!).
It’s all over the place. It only has the most prominent figures, so maybe it’s more a commentary on how absolute power corrupts absolutely. I have little faith in Trust fund babies since I’ve had extensive experience with them. They are pretty much educated children who never grasp how extremely lucky they are. Some however, I didn’t know were trust funders until they got their trust, because their family always lived modestly and respected working stiffs like me. Still others, were just wonderful people(very fucking few, one family to be precise). This may be the best attempt at art from a spoiled brat, Veruca Salt on T-Rex level steroids, clueless trust fund baby I’ve ever seen. My only reason for saying this is that it is so op n to interpretation that it is more artful than propaganda. If he meant it as propaganda though? Yeah, he sucks more than Ted Cruz when Trump’s grundle has a message about how Cruz’s wife is ugly and obese.
I am no expert, but I do like to examine “art”. I could not peg this one, so I’m confused. There’s no talent in composition or performance, but the message is better hidden than the pee tapes.