During the whole birtherism episode, Trump was already being groomed by Putin for the pres. campaign. I don't think Trump believed it, he was just executing the plans made by his handlers. He's really good at the reality show parts he's assigned.

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I am watching the series The Tudors about Henry VIII and I am constantly reminded of Trump with all of the Treason! beheadings of innocent people to make the King happy and also all of the political back stabbing and intrigue at court. Geez. I cannot even enjoy a TV show anymore.

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Giant Meteor would be a better death.

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I didn't hear that, but it fits. Once a dumb jock, always a dumb jock.

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Yep, one of the most recent ones agreed with the concept that the President cannot even be investigated. Bill Barr has been in on the Federalist Society For the Appointment of Reactionary Fascist Judges (to use their full, legal name) since the beginning in the Ronnie Raygun days.

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I think he's a true believer. Barr and Pompeo are both trying to make the Rapture happen.

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and that interference would have been common knowledge . . . except for . . . drumroll please . . . moscow mitch pooty's bitch.

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It's an attempt to head off the Ukraine impeachment by threatening anyone who might come forward with criminal prosecution. They've discovered that simply telling people not to comply with Congress isn't working, so now they're going to start ratcheting up the threats.

It's also a way to purge the numerous agencies involved of professional staff who haven't pledged personal loyalty to Hair Furor. "Well, we'll drop the charges if you resign and sign this binding NDA. Talk and you are subject to arrest and imprisonment."

(and unlike the numerous clowns, money launderers and Russian agents involved in all the Ukraine stuff, wanna bet all will be declared a 'flight risk' and confined without bail until their trial?)

This is the kind of Stalinesque stuff Bar and Trump are perfectly capable of. "And YOU get a show trial and YOU get a show trial and YOU get a show trial!"

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Well, look at the heart of GOP fascism today, and the history of that strain back to 1865, and I'll advance the notion that perhaps Democracy didn't quite prevail, merely contained it for a few hundred years.

The original sin of this country still looms large in the Constitution: the electoral College and the Senate. (we like to laugh at Trump's sea of red election map and say "Dirt doesn't vote, people do!") but in fact, for both of those institutions, dirt does count, especially in states that have been gerrymandered into one-party states.

Both of those institutions were designed to give sparsely populated rural areas outsized influence over the country, and that was quite explicitly done to appease slaveholding states, and no amount of whinging by the people in those areas about 'preventing the tyranny of the majority' or 'the big cities would tell us what to do!' kind of shit can erase that simple fact. I for one am quite tired of some person in Wyoming or Iowa having a bigger say in how my country is run than I do.

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The Bigly Big Lie is coming our way--and---We'll never hear it captured on tape, but the message is, "Make the impeachment go away, and we'll call off the jackbooted thugs."'Bigly Big Lie Barr'. Got a certain ring to it, dunnit?

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A corner office in Hell?

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Don't forget, Rudy useta be a hero.

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Really???That IS discouraging. I was kind of hoping he’d go through the motions of looking at any trumped up “case” Barr tries to make and put it back up his a$$ where it belongs.

Luckily, the courts seem to still have some integrity.

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before you hit the 'delete account' button, make sure you remove every interaction --post by post, like by like -- until there is nothing but a shell account. just by removing the account, the data that's linked to you is still property of FB, and its bought and sold to outside companies, then combined with other data profiles to be used for God knows what.

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Make it free housing for immigrants during their first few years in the country. Watch Trump finally have that stroke the world's been hoping for.

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The presence of Barr in the Justice Department at all -- let alone running it -- may turn out to be yet another instance of "You've seen nothing yet." Some typical denizen of Gateway Pundit just recommended that Trump should fire Chris Wray as the FBI head and replace him with Sidney Powell. I hope Donald Trump doesn't read that or hear about it, and that no-one on Fox News mentions it, because in that case he'd do it tomorrow.

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