I have reason to be grateful to Senator McCain for coming to the aid of a constituent, using his personal history and his visibility as a senator to help a person in trouble. He is mystifying to me in his ability to be a jerk, and a jerk to thousands, and yet also have the heart to help an individual, apparently because he can and because that individual needs the help.Dok, you have illuminated that dichotomy, the John McCain who makes me want to go kick his shins and yell at him - *because* he is also that John McCain who stands up against his own base when they throw down a Fox lie as though it is the truth - "why can't you always be the defender of truth and decency!" Maybe this is why, indeed. Here's hoping that McCain will out-bastard that bastard cancer. We know he has it in him.

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Only a tiny sliver of society tends to serve. I married into a military family and yes very much a military family. That is a problem.

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Was he one of the Republicans being hailed as opposing this new bill? Or did he just call it "troubling" and then otherwise fall in line? Because I do not remember him ever actually DOING anything to try and stop this mess. This reprieve because of his unfortunate illness was not a clever ploy by him, it was just unfortunate. I don't want McCain to die. I just think he ought to have to think about what he's doing, especially if it's going to mean innocent people dying.

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Yes, it was.

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I hope he recovers and survives for a long time, and I also hope that every single night of that long time is filled with guilt-filled nightmares about Americans who can't afford to go to the doctor for their own cancer treatments.

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I've been appalled at almost everything Senator McCain has done since he picked Palin as his running mate, which was difficult for me since I used to LOVE him before that - funny, super smart, hard-working - one of the best.

All that animosity instantly melted away yesterday when I heard the tragic news. Very, very sad.

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It might almost make up for bringing all this upon us as the baggage that came with Sarah Palin.

Yep - I'm still angry. Nope - I'm never going to forgive him.

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Almost? Nope.

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I don't want to pay because if he didn't have cancer, he'd be trying to screw the rest of us out of health care.

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The way it works when a Senator leaves office for any reason is that the governor of his or her state gets to pick someone to fill out the remainder of the term. Arizona, presumably like most states, requires that the replacement be of the same party as the departing Senator. No special election....

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Brain cancer sucks. Chemo and radio means it's malignant and they don't want to operate. 80's a good innings. Mr McCain wasn't entirely awful, so farewell to the old bastard.

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Before people get to icky gooey, let's remember that 9.5 times outof 10 Walnuts wrinkles up his brow, gets his concerned face on, agonizes on the Sunday shows, and then votes the straight wingnut agenda.Plus he loves the idea of carpet bombing some brown people-any brown people.

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I didn't lose the animosity, but I used to like McCain. I didn't start voting until 2014. I almost started when I thought McCain was gonna run in 2000. Not because I liked his views, but because I liked his attitude. And because I never liked Al Gore, who I agreed with about climate change.

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On a lighter note, I have purchased and downloaded Rimworld. Sunday is reserved for starting to learn to play. Wish me luck!

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I voted for McCain over Gore in the 2000 open primary here in California.

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May the repubs who recently wished Mr. McCain would die be cursed with bad breathe and loud, uncontrollable farting (that only they can smell - I'm cursing them, not us).

I wish you only the best, John McCain!

And, as always, fuck cancer.

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