and Kevin D. Williamson will believe it himself.

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Certainly feels like it, although there <em>is</em> a difference between being a conservationist (conserve the land) and a conservative (conserve the social status quo). He was clearly the former, not so much the latter (first President to advocate for universal healthcare for example). Even the GOP appears to have given up on trying to claim TR's legacy - I don't think it's a coincidence that the founder of the Progressive Party was a pre-New Deal Republican.

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I thought the "Southern middle class" was 2nd grade.

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After the Civil War, white southerners were all Democrats because Lincoln was a Republican. Black southerners were Republicans ... for the same reason. They couldn't easily vote in the general election (19th century voter ID laws, you might say), but were an important constituency to getting the Republican presidential nomination. Which is why Republican Theodore Roosevelt endured the scandal of dining in the White House with a black man (who was not a servant).

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i am petitioning them for my goddamned jetpacs.

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Tell a lie often enough...

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<blockquote>That Republicans have let Democrats get away with this mountebankery is a symptom of their political fecklessness</blockquote>

No, moron, that Republicans have never mounted more than a token challenge to the accusations of racism is due to two things, first that the accusations are entirely true, and second that Republican electoral viability depends heavily on their base understanding that the accusations are entirely true.

[Edit: BTW, even were it true that the historical figures cited embodied conservative principles (they don't, but <em>arguendo</em>), the fact that the GOP has been "disconnected" from their legacy would simply be a symptom of the fact that the modern GOP is <strong>in no way conservative</strong>, they are radical right-wing reactionaries.]

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I thought a mountebank was where a Canadian cop kept his money.

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