As a project manager, you are correct. It is our raison d'etre.

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FWIW, I, too was advised that I was "overconfident" at the age of 16 when I took my drivers license test. I made absolutely no mistakes...parallel parking? Piece of cake, 3 point turn? Aced it! Asshole fucking flunked me! "Overconfident" is clearly dog-whistle talk for "how dare you be an intelligent female".

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Why exactly are you blaming Bernie? You should be blaming those dumbass voters. After the primary, he specifically told his supporters that they should get behind Hillary:https://www.nbcnews.com/pol...

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She definitely has put businesses ahead of the good of her constituents before. There's no way I would vote for Haley.

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The best manager at my job is a woman. She is a total badass that gets shit done, and everyone likes her too. We're lucky to have her.

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Indeed. That's why the certification gives us all those tools...

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The dumbass voters are at fault all right, but Bernie doesn't get a pass on this. He stoked and encouraged the hate for months, and once his people were consumed by hatred, there was no going back.

As one of his own delegates, Chris Laursen, put it: "Bernie basically fed us a bunch of Mountain Dew and now he wants us to go to bed. It's not going to happen."

This is why demagogues are so dangerous: they stir up lunatic mobs and it's very difficult to bring them back to sanity. In the case of the Republicans, their party has been consumed by madness. In the case of the Democrats, the adults are still in charge, but the gullible angry mob is still a threat.

Had Bernie not been a demagogue, he would have worked to curb the excesses of his droogs as far back as the summer of 2015 and the aftermath of Netroots Nation. He did not. He seemed to enjoy having a national movement that cheered him as their savior, and he was not about to risk that. So instead he put the entire country in the hands of Trump. What a guy.

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dop dweeeee, dop dop dop dwee dow

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Bean counter libel!

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I haven't but I've been hearing good things about it from other sources as well. I'm off on Saturday; maybe I'll shotgun a few episodes.

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Just being female requires a special kind of patience.

Luckily I have a "unisex" name (like Pat or Evan). I do believe it has helped me out innumerable times throughout my life. Sad.

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Blaming Identity Politics Is Like Saying ‘All Lives Matter’:


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The candidate in the middle has a pretty decent beard.

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That must explain why so few of the databases I see are even in first normal form.

The patriarchy pushes back.

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Heard this over and over again during 42 years in tbe corporate world. BS.

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I will truly miss the print edition of the Village Voice I went to college in Manhattan and it was a ritual at my school to get the paper on the corner in the box when it came out. We all read it I felt like a real New Yorker and so grown up and sophisticated.

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