The Biden/Harris announcement sent a wave of good feelings through the country, and that has the Republicans shitting bricks. They can't have people understanding what good feelings feel like. They need them scared and miserable. Misery votes Republican.

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Yep, I did the same.

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"no resting until they wheel the motherfucker out between two giant Big Mac buns if they have to."I read this while eating lunch. Alone. Nobody around to give me a Heimlich maneuver. I almost didn't make it EVAN!

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I personally, have trouble with his constant impatient grunting and mm-hmms, while a guest is trying to answer the question.He is so hell-bent on getting the next question out, (which he will also ignore), or going to a commercial, that I have to switch him off.

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My best friend's mom is right there with you! (She's in (Yadkin?) County.)

I've been close to her for close to thirty years, but we never really started talking about politics until the summer of 2018, when news first broke about the baby jails. She's a fair bit more conservative than me in general, but she told me that she voted straight-ticket Democrat in 2018, and will again in 2020.

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Relationship advice from Just Pixelz:- Give your partner something to smile or laugh about every day- Kiss him or her like they are the only other person in the world- Never criticize him or her in front of others; always be honest in private. That's all I got.

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The cover every year in the yearly hr training and year before last they fired someone for it.That seemed pretty prohibited to me.

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Dear NYT,Since you helped to fuck up the last election, can we have this one, so that we can salvage what is left of our Republic?(BTW: you don't exist in Trump's USA.)

And, another thing...FUCK YOU!

Sincerely, Demme

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The big narrative from the contrarian Left I'm seeing so far is Trump will cheat to forge a win, and Biden and Pelosi are too chickenshit to fight it; so best to start preparing for the general strike/insurrection now.

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Noam fuckin' Chomsky is voting for Biden

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... and Cynthia Nixon would now be Governor of New York.

The observation that Twitter politics have nothing to do with real-life politics is thus known as "Cuomo's Law".

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"Heels up"? Jesus, dude. Leave your chosen proclivities out of this.

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Nice one on the surprise retirement. I love it.

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I just donated to four Democratic lady candidates for Senate.

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I've decided against voting by mail. I know, I know, I'm in NYC and it's so reliably Democratic that Hillary slayed Trump here. But I have the day off work, and a medical mask/respirator rated N-99, so I'll be safe voting in person.

Now, time to rally the troops.

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