This 'Travel Hack' Is Stupid, Illegal, And Not At All Funny! Tabs, Fri., Sept. 22, 2023
And it's not even a hack! Morning news roundup!
Oh that’s so mean how Americans always apportion “the blame” to Republicans for government shutdowns, just because they are the ones doing the government shutdowns. Really really really mean! But wait, it’s even meaner than that!
“We always get the blame,” said Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho), a senior appropriator. “Name one time that we’ve shut the government down and we haven’t got the blame.”
How many votes before Kevin McCarthy passes a Defense approps bill? Fifteen, right? (Salon) The shitshow. (Noah Berlatsky at Public Notice)
Sounds like the Merrick Garland hearings had literally no basis in reality, so that’s fun. — Chris Lehmann at The Nation
Who are these reporters listing all the times Donald Trump fucked up shit for the workers, and all the times he claimed victory on jobs and manufacturing and then shit went further to shit, and what have they done with Politico?
Yes, Democrats keep winning way beyond what their margins should be, somebody please tell Joe Biden to PANIC. (Hopium Chronicles)
More on Joe’s new American Climate Corps, I love it so much. — Wired
Fucking Manchin, GRRRRRR. “Children’s Budget 2023, scheduled for release on Capitol Hill Friday, September 22, finds that the share of federal spending on children has slipped to pre-pandemic levels, deepening cracks in the child care system, holes in health care, faltering public schools, and the ongoing — and growing — tragedy of child poverty.”
Poor Rupert Murdoch. Poor Tucker Carlson. Poor Ron DeSantis (lolololol poor Ron DeSantis). Poor all these nasty old men and their striving to rule the world. An excerpt from Michael Wolff’s new book The Fall: The End of Fox News and the Murdoch Dynasty (Wonkette cut link). — New York mag
North Carolina state supreme court Justice Anita Earls is being scolded for refusing to yield to a blatantly unconstitutional prior restraint on her speech, so that’s the latest in that. (She’s being investigated, with the consequences possibly including removal, for saying racism exists in the judicial system.) (Balls and Strikes)
Did the “push for traditional marriage” cause Lauren Boebert? Amanda Marcotte at Salon says yes!
Meet the real househusbands of the Squad? Thanks, Free Beacon, I’d love to! :D
Okay, I’m finally getting around to soup in this Instant Pot I got for Mother’s Day (we’re sick! and I’ve been skeered!), so thanks for HOW THE FUCK DO YOU TURN THIS THING ON! — Paint the Kitchen Red
It’s not even a travel hack :( (Fodors)
In honor of Wonkitty’s ‘airing ‘do, I wrote about the gutsy guy who first jumped with a parachute:
It's baking weekend. The husband has been sent to the shops and ordered to return with apples, blackberries, and cream. I think I still have enough eggs, flour, sugar, and butter.