Thank you for clarifying. I’m depressed thinking about how this Supreme Court will rule when this is challenged.

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This opens to nothing

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Drones are useful tools. Anybody out there listening?

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The GOP's culture wars for half a century have been nothing but No True Scotsman arguments...

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hmmm.... an independent Texas would have LGBTQ+, Black, and Jewish death camps up and running in a month. So there's that...

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And what is a “Community RE-Organizer?”

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Don't forget FREEZE PEACH!!!1!

They have no idea what it actually means, but they know it's in there.

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Honestly, it's difficult to tell these days. Poe's Law prevails in the US.

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Better the kids shoot the Bibles than each other. And it apparently works for beer cans.

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In the last Australian Federal election, one of our most noted right wing POS tried to get Rigged Elections and Dodgy Voting Machines bullshit going.

Australia is internationally recognised as a world leader in free and fair elections. Every aspect of every election is run by the fully independent Australian Electoral Commission. We do not, and never have, used voting machines. We also have voting rates in the high 90s, so everyone KNOWS we don't use voting machines. And yet, one of our greatest embarrassments genuinely tried to import US bullshit into our fair nation.

Her bullshit was shut down FAST, but WTF. It must be a lot worse so much closer.

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They do indeed! Unfortunately, they believe in "Free Speech FOR ME, but not FOR THEE"

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Community organizer is a well known term that disguises the far left communist Bolshevik intent of people who pretend they just want clean air or maybe a community pool. She's not about to be mistaken for one of *them*, oh no. She's going to organize the community to HER liking. Everyone else be damned.

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I very much like that idea..

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Why do I picture her idea of organizing the community as being mostly about deciding which neighborhoods are off limits for “those people?”

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Paul LePage

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There were many states that wanted to leave America in the Civil War. They were valuable. Losing FL and TX is not an issue worth fighting over in 2023.

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