Happy weekend!
Today is both Blogger Day and National Oyster Day, according to some sketchy site on the internet. I feel like the term “blogger” is becoming a tad outdated and is starting to make me feel like I should be writing like a LOLcat meme or whatever (I Can Haz Universal Healthcare?), but I will take all of the oysters, please and thank you.
This week, your present is a super weird movie/musical/promotional-type-thing from the 1980s English pop band ABC. I haven’t actually watched all of it, but it’s called Mantrap and it stars a young and vivacious Lisa Vanderpump, so I’m obviously here for it. Plus “The Look of Love” is a jam.
Did reading these stories give you a sudden urge to shower us with money and jewels (and oysters, though not literally, because gross)? If so, we are on Substack now, so just go ahead and click subscribe! Right down there!
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Talk amongst yourselves!
I got my dispensary delivery today and the guy says it's $31. I'm like are you sure, I thought it was much, much more. (I was stocking up after they had a good sale, so big order.) He shows me the receipt, "they gave you a $120 discount", I handed him thirty-one bucks, grabbed the bag, said thank you VERY MUCH and closed the door. I've shopped at the same place for a couple years and I had signed up for their loyalty rewards program that I had completely forgotten about. Those points piled up and they gave me the discount. Now that is a good way to start the day.
ERCOT: We have decided that Texas families should turn off the air conditioning on the hottest days of the year, for the good of the state.
Texas Families: What if you just fixed the grid and added the renewables that add their biggest punch right when we most need the power?
ERCOT: Right, well, yes. That's a plan someone is looking at, I am quite sure. However, for the good of Texas, we're encouraging Texas families to delay trips to the hospital and other medical treatment to help keep energy hungry facilities from overdrawing electricity when we're at our hottest.
TF: What if you just fixed the grid and added some renewables?
ERCOT: Of course, of course. The legislature passed a plan.
TF: Does the plan include fixing the grid and adding more renewables?
ERCOT: Well, the plan is for some level of study to examine the things we can analyze for ultimate best practices in order to maximize energy independence and quality of life.
TF: And what does that mean for this weekend?
ERCOT: Well, we're just asking you to bake a bit, for the good of all Texas, while we get on with our work.
TF: Is that work fixing the grid and adding some renewables?
ERCOT: Well, not as such, no. We're all headed over to the Governor's mansion for an air-conditioned party. Free catering and such. Good times.