
Poor, poor snipy.

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I think there is a bullet hole in the refrigerator in the top pic. Somebody call DCFS.

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♪ All they really are is Whitetrash bags in the wind. ♫https://youtu.be/xu8_8TJC9E8

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I hope you're not going to light that cigar in here?https://40.media.tumblr.com...

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I have so many questions, ideas, and thoughts now!

(1) Do you think it is all of Christian America that is dreaming of being tag-teamed by the Duggar girls, or is it just us heathen voyeurs, or is it just me?

(2) Is Jinger pronounced like Jenga only with an "er" at the end? And, if it is, your courtship questions have been answered.

(3) Perhaps, Jinger isn't really interested in the fellas, if you know what I mean, and I think you do! I mean they say 10%, so that means out of the eleventy bijillion kids that a couple are...

(4) I thought that last week's show conclusively demonstrated that the Duggar girls didn't learn any skills like cooking, so is the only life skill the Duggar girls are taught is having babies in wedlock? If so, doesn't that make them...? I think this show needs a continuity person.

(5) If the fort that the boys are building actually gets completed, do you think they'll allow any of the real children to play in it, or will they hang a sign reading no girls allowed and hog it all for themselves?

Man, I didn't know these Duggars could be so good.

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Jinger is a mishmash of two words jeans and finger, used to imply that one has managed to cop a feel of a ladies privet hedge, over her clothing.

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I see. So she was the intended "sacrifice" to Josh. Excellent insight there. Those Duggars maybe more smarter than I gave them credit for.

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I wish to imply from my previous statement that chocolate milk is sinfully, evilly delicious.

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I think South Park actually covered that.

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They resurrect old tires? Don't you need to roll 2d20 to do that?

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They pay people to watch this show, right?

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The only reason I would ever watch this show is if somehow Ricky Gervais was an uninvited house guest at the Dugger domicile.

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I tried to read this, but realized I don't hate myself enough to care about the Duggars.

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"I'll have a virgin Cuba Libre."

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potato fingers or GTFO.

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A lime coke it is, then.

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