And now for the big debate: cream then jam, or jam then cream? (Those of you from Cornwall &/or Devon need not reply.)

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That's scones.

And the only way to serve a scone is with a thick layer of jam, topped with a large dollop of cream. Butter before the jam is optional.

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Eh, wot? Issa crumpet, innit? 'As good tuckah, innit? Propah tasteh.

(Good God I want that in my belly.)

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Fabulous recipe, thank you. Generally just lazy and buy the supermarket ones but will give it a go. Must say I think lemon butter or lemon curd is really good on a crumpet too. I make my own and it is the first thing I do with a new batch. Cuppa tea and lemon butter crumpet. My happy place!

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If I had lemon curd in the house at the moment I would have included it as one of the serving suggestions. Sadly, lemon curd is currently absent from my life. I will have to rectify this as a matter of urgency.

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As an American dropped into England almost 13 years ago (!), I like my crumpets in true American fashion—topped with peanut butter.

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i'm french, leaving in california. we eat them with crème fraîche, lox, and lemon juice.

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and apparently i can't spell.

*living in....

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Am leaving Oz today but made sure to enjoy plenty of crumpets and proper hot cross buns

thank you for the recipe. i will give this a try

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Alternatively, one can buy ready-to-heat crumpets from the supermarket!

Can't agree with you about the pikelets. They're made from pancake batter. No yeast.

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We always called those Scotch pancakes. I'm guessing it varies by region.

And since I'm from the same region as the man who coined the term "crumpet", I think my definition is the one I'm going to stick with.

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Ta, CakesWeLike. I'll let you know if I veganize this recipe. Isaac and I just received a wedding present from our lovely host: a vintage KitchenAid mixer. I'm over the moon!

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You lucky, lucky thing. I'm working with an off-brand mixer, it does the job, it just doesn't have the same prestige.

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This looks delicious. Thanks!

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Scone rhymes with biscuit.

“Yeah, Honey, gimme a large coffee…”


“Yeah, if that means “large”, and one of them biscuit thingys.”

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I love language maps! This is cool. ❤

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For the record, Aussies use the rhyme with 'gone' version.

Although there is a town called Scone, which is rhymed with 'loan'.

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For the record, that is a 1st world problem. 3rd world countries argue over single-payer medical care.

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I have a kind of cancer — a legacy of the Vietnam War and Agent Orange — that “can be treated but not cured.” I’ve been in chemotherapy for five years and will be for as long as I live. “Chemotherapy” means taking pills for 21 days and taking a break for 7 days, presumably to wash out the side effects. I cheat. I give myself 8 days to wash out the side effects. I’m now in my eighth day. I feel great. Tonight, I start the next 21-day cycle. I’m enjoying myself while I can.

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I totally admire you!

8 days?!

(Shmeight days!)

You GO!!!!

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You're an inspiration. Wishing you strength, peace and resilience.

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One of the more "famous" (formerly) academic COVIDiots/anti vaxxers in Germany just tweeted the other day that he would rather do Chemo than go for the new mRNA based "cancer" vaccines.

I wish you could pack up your cancer, and send it to that guy, so that he does the Chemo for you.

Okay, wishing evil upon others is bad, so I just wish you to overcome it, and that it simply works.

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Had a family friend to get that news several years ago. He was given a not very promising prognosis; 20-some years later, still going strong.

Eight days? You rebel!

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So sorry. I too have an Agent Orange present. I'll be talking to my VA oncologist on Tuesday, but still on my chemo.

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Hoping you have many more days of feeling great.

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oh man that bites...

I've been at ms.tek's side for two bouts with cancer.. chemotherapy is basically trying to kill parts of you without killing the rest of you. Nasty stuff. Very.

Big hugs. 🫂

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I am so sorry. Please enjoy this good day.

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On a whim, I clicked on Adams family values this morning, and I'm so glad of it because honestly I had forgotten how goddamn funny it is. Also, as an adult, there are so many references and subtle jokes that didn't register with me when I was younger. Great movie. ❣️

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"I'll play the victim."

"All your life."

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Ohio gets pissy about rules!

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Except when decide they don't want to follow the rules because it's inconvenient for them.

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And they'll apologize while they're breaking the rules. Not after; during. *cuts in line* "Ope, let me sneak right past you there!" I swear, Ohioans are some of the least stealthy people imaginable.

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i know 'those cakes we like' is a Wonkette-hallowed expression, but every time I see it I think this is some kind of abstract take on Twin Peaks and the gum you like is going to come back in style.

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I was a juicy fruit and Bazooka Joe fan back in the day. I think those still exist.

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I would love some of that clove gum, to the extent that I ever want gum.

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If you ever end up wandering thru Vermont, the Vermont Country Store has a lot of that old-timey gum/candy..

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Beaman's, Black Jack, Clove, Teaberry, all available somewhere out there.


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Sadly, I can't find a gum that I like. None of the THC gummies have any effect on me whatsoever.

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BiL says the same thing.

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... Outside a box...

Phrasing. Boom!

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Rhonda the Rottie gets a spa day!:


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I like for my Sunday making coffee sweetened with honey, thick cut butcher bacon oven cooked, and French toast with diced strawberries pressed in

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Sgt Riggi had a job to do and she had no time for dating, even if he was a war hero.

Sgt Basilone understood but still moped around camp like a lost puppy.

So she made him French toast one morning before the mess hall opened.

They married soon after.

When I think of French toast.

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Food is the easiest way to manipulate possible mates

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I am investigating the maple bourbon pecan coffee syrup. Not bad, but I think I like the chestnut praline syrup better.

Also biscuits with jam and veggie sausage.

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There's a Maple Bacon cocktail syrup at my liquor store...I could probably shave some pecans too.

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Honey sweetened coffee? I like my coffee like I like my metal: Black. "We're here to make coffee metal!" - Dethklock

Honey coffee seems intriguing... and I wish to not be alone for once.

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And I use condensed milk as my creamer. I swear I'm not trying to be difficult

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There are worse things.

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I add vanilla to the egg and milk wash

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That's a lot of steps! Cheers.

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And nutmeg

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I may next time. The bacon I swear is so good.

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Not you.

GWAR: Sick of You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dbnm-0r3suM

Not most of you! Human Filth..!

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