See? Priviledge. How many women ever get to beat someone to death? Oh. Wait.

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Nah, mang. MRA = Missing Romantic Adventures.

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Mail order bride sites. I can't count the number of times I have heard these morons sing the praises of women they believe will be subservient and because they are so far from home, totally dependent on them*.

Edit: At their mercy.

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Women used to carry hat pins to deal with subway gropers.

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More points scored in that whole rightwing-outreach-to-the-dames movement. Really, as a broad I'm won over. In fact, I'm practically swooning.

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What a fucking whiny egocentric burlap sack of oozing shit jelly. I am finding myself disgusted that we share the same phylum - and that happens far too often these days. Is this some generational thing? And furthermore, I think we give it far too much legitimacy (by which I mean <i>any</i>) by allowing it a capitalized acronym.

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He started out as a Men's Lefts Advocate until that happened.

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As they say, "If the douche fits..."

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You know what Male Privilege is?

Being able to walk around wearing a fedora and a neckbeard and sporting a toxic sexist douche attitude, doing bro-fists with your buds, behaving like an obnoxious cock, talking loudly about the chicks you'd do, dude check out those tits... and society doesn't shun you at all.

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Yo... chicken_thief OT but ICYMI... your main man Louie got the Asparagus card thrown at him today: n.pr/1gIY8k9

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Or, if they're in Congress, being just a little "emotional" over the whole torture thing.

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Just cauliflower a flower.

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