I ran a neighborhood meeting where a small, but vocal and angry group of people came out to oppose a head start pre school in a church. The upshot was that they didn't want "those people" in their neighborhood, even if only to pick up and drop off their kids.

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John Kass is an asshole and he's been an asshole for decades. He's one reason I don't read the Chicago Tribune.

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The Silicon Valley has a huge homeless problem mainly because housing is so expensive. A cheap apartment is about 2000.00 per month- this would be a dilapidated 1950's courtyard apartment. One time when I was driving by the San Jose airport, in an industrial area, I saw block after block of old RV's parked along the street. They were clearly being lived in.All the new apartments are high end, for Google and Apple kids. Very little if any affordable apartments are being built.

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You know, it's almost as if the failure of quick fixes is a sure sign that ascribing all the problems to a single cause is logically untenable.

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Because Chicago has never had white gangsters shooting people.

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Well, no. Because Texas usually has the second highest number of firearms deaths in the nation, just behind California.

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You appear to have wandered into the wrong place. Here, please allow me to show you the door.

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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We could have afforded the Great Society. Less so the Vietnam War, but definitely not both -- and the lesson conservatives pushed after the post-Vietnam crash was that the Great Society was too expensive.

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Sigh. Mavenmaven, meed JD Mulvey. You are both long-term Wonkers. The "you" in that comment was directed at Kass (or Mulvey read carelessly and mistook Kass's views for yours).

Both of you calm down.

Jesus, the fucking internet.

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In California, the situation is very complicated, it works out to not enough units built, the units that were built were for the move up housing market, and a healthy dose of NIMBYism, among other things.

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That appears to be the case. Or he was replying directly to Kass and you assumed he meant you. Either way, glad to see calm return to my comments section.

(What do you mean? OF COURSE it's mine!)

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What I find interesting are the European towns that have gone the other way- doing away with traffic control devices entirely.http://www.spiegel.de/inter...

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Perhaps a Wonkette planner drinky thingee will be in the offing someday.

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NY Jane say that not real pizza

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Is THAT why the pizza in Tucson, AZ, sucks so bad?! Now you tell me.

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Nah. Chicago is traumatized enough :)

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