Yeah, get with the pogrom.

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Maybe in another generation enough of the old angry white gun nuts will be dead. Anybody know if the median age of the NRA's contriubutors matches that of Fucks Gnus victims? The overlap in the Venn diagram is surely quite impressive.

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Given that Obama is the "real racist", it only makes sense -- they'd have so much in common.

If Lewis Carroll were around today, he'd be hard at work on "Alice in Teabaggistan", the third and by far most surreal installment in the series.

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Nobody can . . . that's why 90% of the comments are from witless teabaggers. And probably why Yahoo is sinking into irrelevance: who wants to deal with that much dreck?

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The weird thing is, I have the damnedest sense of deja voodoo about this. Didn't some nazi shoot up a Jewish retirement home-- no, it was a kindergarten! -- a few years back?

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Obviously Obama's fault that those nursing home residents were unarmed.

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I'm sure it was a false flag operation, and Alex Jones will get promptly to the bottom of its barrel.

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Look, who got killed and what their religion may or may not have been isn't the real question: what is important is libs are the real Anti-Americans, and always will be.

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A true Bull Connor Dixiecrat. He seems nice. Actually, with the party jumping, maybe more of a Strom Thurmond Dixpublicrat.

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Methinks the wingnuts doth protest too much. No, seriously, if your first reaction is "look for a way to blame the other guy" you have a damn guilty conscience.

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We'll miss these days four years from now. <i>I blame Clinton</i> just doesn't have the same ring to it.

<i>I benghazi Clinton</i>?

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Creeping <strike>Sharia</strike> <i>Who-me</i>-a?

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"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of innocent people, because of the 2nd Amendment."

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Let's all ignore the question of whether he was ever close to being nominated by the Democratic party. And the fact that while he only got 0.61% of the Dem primary vote in '84, he managed to snag 3.17% if the GOP primary vote in '86. Goobers - more than 5 times more likely to vote for open, proud, violent racists than Democrats.

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I hate fucking North Carolina / Missouri / Kansas nazis.

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