In theory, a one-time exception would only take a simple amendment.

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I think the people responsible for getting Snyder elected in the first place should "grow a pair" and accept responsibility for it :) Lookin' at you, Berners: http://www.nytimes.com/2010...

The Koch Bro Tea Party wave, soon to be replicated at the national level, courtesy of the usual suspects: http://www.socialistalterna...

Yes, the usual suspects (circa 2000): http://www.socialistalterna...

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"Nope.". --Trump Supporters

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"Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?" works quite well. Then you try to call the minions back but they're already gone, then when they kill the priest you say you didn't mean it and throw them under the bus. Easy!

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"Frantic efforts are underway to reassure the three men that they will be made whole"

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Salon now just publishing temper tantrums: http://www.salon.com/2016/0...

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While Snyder isn't roasting in hell (yet), good that at least three people are having their nuts a vice. Let many more.

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Yes. If there are additional federal statutes under which they can be charged.

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Start with the easier proof, the people who performed actions, and then pressure them to roll.

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Maddow reported in her show on Monday night two interesting pieces to this story:(1) The house that Gov Snyder has taken his month's worth of water not to drink and certainly not to bathe in has been tested several times a month for the past three monts and has the requisite water filter. The test results show most outcomes of being in the 3 to 6 ppm range well under the 150 ppm that are a cause of concern. Although one day in March it tested at 263 ppm revealing that the pipes can suddenly leach large quantities of lead into the water. Here's hoping that karma is real.

(2) She interviewed the investigative reporter that has been pursuing the story. He stated that he had asked a representative of the governor's about the decision to switch the water. The spokesperson said that it was Detroit that threw Flint off of their water system, which was a lie. It had not. Here's hoping that investigations lead to the good governor himself.

(3) The state is not kicking in any money to help in the replacement of the pipes. That's nice. They've left the mayor to raise the funds and organize the work on her own.

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that hoopy frood really knows where his towel is!

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Slowly I turn, step by step...

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Forget walking on water--standing upright on a fish is what's impressive! ;0-)

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A head on a pike.

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Did somebody say deadly neurotoxin? GLaDOS, take it away!: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Your cousin?

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