Joe changed it to reproductive rights because the right went afer IVF and birth control, so it is not just about abortion anymore.


As if you did not know that.

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Why is it appropriate for a woman to call out what other women are wearing? There was a message these two wanted to get across and the point of their outfits not being matchy-matchy is kinda silly and feeds into persieved societal "norms" for presenting ourselves. IMHO

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Which one of these were we not supposed to have heard of? I hope it was that Conway person.

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For me personally, it would have been the first one, except that she showed up here in a Wonkette post recently enough that when I saw "Vampire" mentioned, I went, "Oh, right, that lady." But yes, I would love to live in a world where everyone but hard right cultists would hear Conway's name and go "Who?"

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Ta, Robyn. Loveliness (apart from KC, who remains loathsome).

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> Conway also jumped on Biden’s State of the Union speech in which he replaced the word “abortion” written in his prepared text with the phrase “reproductive rights.” She asked, “Is it an ugly word? Do you not want to own it?” and suggested that the issue could be as difficult for the Left as it is for the Right, except for how people keep voting for abortion rights over and over again.

Or you know, maybe it's because the right isn't stopping at abortion and there are other kinds of "reproductive rights" they're going after, like the ones immediately below that paragraph? So sick of these people...

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I love that "same legal rights as everybody else" while they're taking away everybody's rights.

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That free plan b giveaway at her concerts just made Olivia Rodrigo one of my favorite musicians in the world. And I don't think I've ever listened to her music, at least that I've been aware of. 🤷

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I was surprised a couple weeks ago when my local CVS started stocking Julie the contraception on an endcap. You don't even need to talk to the pharmacist to get it...but you do need to talk to ONE employee since they're sold in those individual plastic lockboxes, so that you can carry it around the store til you're ready to shell out the forty five bucks it costs, but someone needs to unlock it for you.

Eh. At least they're not in a locked cabinet like the fancy hair products and fancy razors.

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all the thumbs up for Un Chien Andalou!

(tbf I'm still a bit queasy over the eyeball bit) (Buñuel's symbolism utterly rocks).

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Rodrigo, Aguilera, and... who's the third?

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Lily Allen and the duet she did with Rodrigo.

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Ah, missed that. 🤦‍♂️

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i guess i'm confused as to which person was supposed to be unknown and would elicit comments regarding their unknownity?

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“Conway also jumped on Biden’s State of the Union speech in which he replaced the word “abortion” written in his prepared text with the phrase “reproductive rights.” She asked, “Is it an ugly word? Do you not want to own it?” and suggested that the issue could be as difficult for the Left as it is for the Right, except for how people keep voting for abortion rights over and over again.”

Oh Kellyanne, Kellyanne. I don’t know if Biden did swap out “abortion” for “reproductive rights”. If he did, I am glad. Not because I think “abortion” is an ugly word. Rather, more rights are now at issue than just access to abortion. IVF. Contraception. The ability for a woman to access same without some man’s (husband’s) permission. Things like this.

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See, I had previously been made aware of the existence of everyone of the people mentioned, and here I was thinking you were calling me old...wait, I just remembered that I forgot to take one of my pills.

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Time for Werner Herzog to make “Aguilera, the Wrath of Women.”

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I honestly prefer “reproductive rights” not because I think it’s “less toxic” but because it’s more accurate. At this point they are coming after all of it and we should make that clear. People know we are talking about abortion but many don’t know they are coming after birth control too. If it makes everyone happy then say abortion And reproductive rights. Also fine.

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Yes. Because it also has to do with how people who want to be pregnant are treated when something goes wrong.

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Abortion is not a dirty word. Abortion is birth control. No woman should be forced to bear a child just because their initial birth control method failed. How about we spend some of those tax dollars on some research and development to improve those first line birth control methods? Claiming to work on the upper 90% but only if used perfectly. Plus, it doesn't take the kids long to screw literally hundreds of times. All of a sudden those percentages don't look so good.

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The anti-abortion people have been funding lawsuits, encouraging sueing pharmaceutical companies when they come up with better birth-control. This makes them more relctant to develop them, as the Anti-Abortion Assholes intended. It is also why we are way behind Europe, where most countries approved the combination Mifeprestone in 1988. Twelve years before we did.

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Why does this not surprise me?

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Also no woman should be forced to bear a child if she didn't use birth control at all. Nobody should be forced to bear a child.

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Agree 100%.

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A government that can prevent you from having an abortion can also force you to have one.

Will "reproductive rights" one day need to include the right to bear children?

How much are you willing to bet that American theofascism will never go that far?

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Luckily for us, white people are a global minority. But your point is well taken, as any person living in China in the recent past knows all too well.

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