I dated a comedian for a short time. She had lots of small penis jokes. Don't date comedians. Just. Don't.

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Someone needs to take naked pictures of the judge and release them to internet gods.

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Considering that I do not have a Twitter account, but can go to twitter.com and view peoples' tweets without logging in, calling it "a subscriber-based social networking service" is, at best, an incomplete definition.

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"Occupant" "Mail Recipient" "Our Neighbors At" "Postal Patron"


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Better point than mine.

Also, when the "subscribers" potentially number in the hundreds of millions, the model sorta fails.

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Holy shit!

Now I would like to request that all of you who received those, um, modeling pictures from me to send them right back to me this instant! I had no idea there might be a downside.

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Swann's [having his] Way.

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There's no Zeus to squawking about it.

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