Tik-Tokers Are Using Diaper Cream As Moisturizer! But Does It Work? Tabs, Wed., Jan. 10, 2024
I don't know, I didn't click that. Morning news roundup!
Judges appear skeptical of Trump immunity claims? That can’t be right, l’etat c’est … him! (I don’t speak French.) (Gift link Washington Post)
Of course the January 6 attack was an insurrection, good lord. — Reason
Trump’s “summary of election fraud report” actually shocking. (I think this is an open post.) — The Bulwark
Liz goes long on the resignation of Wayne LaPierre from the NRA at her own substack. (Law and Chaos)
Hey, so you know how the New York Times has been on a sixty-two article (and counting!) tear about Claudine Gay, former president of Harvard, and her crimes against academia/humanity? This weekend, the Times was shocked to find that accusations of plagiarism might be used as a weapon, while billionaire Bill Ackman, Gay’s head executioner, is now reduced to rage tweeting that when his wife plagiarized Wikipedia, MIT didn’t specifically say “MUST CREDIT WIKIPEDIA!” Well here’s a previous story — “Solveig Gold Is Proud to Be the Wife of a ‘Canceled’ Princeton Professor. But she also wants to be known as more. At dinner with the aspiring public intellectual and her ‘cabal.’” — from the same NYT reporter, Anemona Hartocullis, and it is … it’s a lot! — Gift link NYT
Kellyanne Conway’s been on a crusade to save Republicans from their Roe v. Wade-based political defeats by begging them to stand up for birth control at least. You’ll never guess what happened first! (The Democrats tried to codify access to birth control in the law, and Republicans blocked it.) Oh! You guessed! But did you guess what happened next? (Amanda Marcotte at Salon)
Please don’t make me agree with John Cornyn. I’m glad Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is back on the job and presumably recovering better after his newly released diagnosis of prostate cancer had him in the ICU following surgery, and it is monumentally not okay that he didn’t tell the president. — NBC News
Michigan has a statute on the books, which even Republicans say needs to be fixed, providing for $50,000 per year in restitution to people who rotted in prison under wrongful convictions. But why does this need to be fixed, you ask? Because it only applies if their wrongful convictions were overturned due to “new evidence” — and the really really stupid fucked up rub is that if they had new evidence AND had ineffective counsel or prosecutorial malfeasance, it doesn’t count. Judges, including the state supreme court, are like “Lege, fix this shit,” but I honestly don’t see why judges can’t just determine that “new evidence” isn’t disqualified by having additional reasons for overturning a conviction. Your hands ain’t that tied, judges. Anyway, Lege fix this shit. (Pro Publica)
The nice town in Wisconsin with a load of new Central American immigrants, and the (very nice!!!) letter from the city manager asking the White House for some investment to keep up with the town’s needs, how that was spun by Breitbart into “they’re coming for your precious bodily fluids,” and how we all need to care for all of us. — The White Pages
Noah Berlatsky says the Left is too mad at Joe Biden about Gaza to give him credit for historically low unemployment, and that they should rethink that because low unemployment is “a vital progressive goal” that really really matters. I think an awfully big chunk would have refused to give him credit for it before the war in Gaza was even a glimmer in Hamas and Netanyahu’s eye — like those “pro-labor” progressives who are pretty sure the most pro-union president in history is bad on unions. There’s just a chunk of “progressive” dudes who would really rather Trump were president, for progressive reasons I’m sure. Anyway, most of the post is about the unemployment, not about the Gaza. And we are not arguing about Gaza in the comments today, you know who you are. (Everything Is Horrible)
Trump knows a crash is coming, because Joe Biden’s inarguably strong economy is only running on the “fumes” of Trump’s. As a person older than four, I can very clearly recall that what happened is Not That. — MSNBC
The Tik-Tokers and the diaper cream for the moisturizer. I guess I have to click it now that I put it in the headline :( Answer: Yes, it’s zinc oxide, it’s fine. (NBC)
Wonkette throwback post of the day! That time the NRA paid Dana Loesch a million dollars to make videos watched by a thousand people each.
If you are shopping on Amazon for your diaper cream, this link gives us a small commission on everything you put in your cart until you check out or close tab, whichever comes first. You can also find it on our homepage on the left hand side under “clickies.”
I just want to throw Wonkette some money!
Enthusiastic bear cub source: https://open.substack.com/pub/martiniambassador/p/a-beary-good-snow-day?r=angu9&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcome=true
Dana Loesch, now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a while. Although given her grifty attention seeking nature, I’m sure she hasn’t gone away quietly.