Hey man, Tila Tequila (you don’t know her; she’s this girl) does not hate Jews okay, she does not know how many times she has to say it, she is totally cool with Jews and would probably not genocide them or even murder them and this one time she even felt sorry for WWII prisoners of war so obviously she can never be anti-semitic, she is
When I first saw the picture, I thought the hat was Mickey Mouse ears (yeah, I was not concentrating on that area), and I figured, yep, pretty typical trajectory for an ex-Mouseketeer.
I would snark on this, but it's not nice to make fun of the mentally ill.
All together now:
<blockquote>He only did it to distract from ObamacareghazIRSgatefastandtedious</blockquote>
When I first saw the picture, I thought the hat was Mickey Mouse ears (yeah, I was not concentrating on that area), and I figured, yep, pretty typical trajectory for an ex-Mouseketeer.
so Pat Robertson was right- Gay Bamz got to Castro with his AIDS ring
She must be dating Jesse James these days
I&#039;m guessing the Juggalos finally got to her...
Jose Cuervo?
and 5 of the 6 Marys.
You know who <i>else</i> Tia Tequila likes? ....
Has she got an older sister? I&#039;m asking for a friend.