Here Tim...<a href="http:\/\/\/watch\?v=H-CYJf2o7ZQ" target="_blank">This one&#039;s</a> on the house. Just don&#039;t replace Hail to the Chief with it, or you&#039;ll owe Zevon&#039;s estate an assload of money.
Here Tim...<a href="http:\/\/\/watch\?v=H-CYJf2o7ZQ" target="_blank">This one&#039;s</a> on the house. Just don&#039;t replace Hail to the Chief with it, or you&#039;ll owe Zevon&#039;s estate an assload of money.
Yes, but they&#039;re big hairy MEN. Suddenly my women&#039;s pro wrestling fetish seems a lot more presidential.
So what&#039;s Obomba&#039;s excuse? Tobacco withdrawl?
Yeah, I was surprised when I saw him following me, too.
Seriously...and this dude is allowed around children?!
Here Tim...<a href="http:\/\/\/watch\?v=H-CYJf2o7ZQ" target="_blank">This one&#039;s</a> on the house. Just don&#039;t replace Hail to the Chief with it, or you&#039;ll owe Zevon&#039;s estate an assload of money.
oh you sexy tease you.
tim tim tim hold on to that Y chromosome stuff for a later date!!! the crazy X&#039;s haven&#039;t declared yet!!
dude you are SO going to <i>need that junk and there are like 19 months to go!!!</i>
(there is clearly an upcoming tarantino moving in the republican primaries. also, i just made myself v v sad calculating 19 months.)
I bet Timmy&#039;s wife spanks him nightly and not in the nice way.
And notice that the Republican himself is in no danger whatsoever...he&#039;s a tough guy by just being a spectator, apparently.
All that sweeping and the plaintive cry of &quot;hurry hard, hurry hard&quot;... no wonder he gets off on it.
Tim Pawlenty is the ideal candidate for those who find Mitt Romney a little too raw and authentic.
Yes, but they&#039;re big hairy MEN. Suddenly my women&#039;s pro wrestling fetish seems a lot more presidential.
So what&#039;s Obomba&#039;s excuse? Tobacco withdrawl?
Yeah, I was surprised when I saw him following me, too.
Seriously...and this dude is allowed around children?!
Here Tim...<a href="http:\/\/\/watch\?v=H-CYJf2o7ZQ" target="_blank">This one&#039;s</a> on the house. Just don&#039;t replace Hail to the Chief with it, or you&#039;ll owe Zevon&#039;s estate an assload of money.