Mitt Romney's perennial challenger for Nation's Most Boring Governor, Tim Pawlenty, has decided to decide their epic rivalry once and for all in the 2012 presidential contest.
You go into an election with the candidates you have, not the candidates you wish you had.
We can be sure that Obama is not the Antichrist, because God has blessed him with the most pathetic GOP lineup since the days of Alf Landon (in those days, someone named Alf could, in fact, run for president.) In many ways, T-Paw looks like the Alf Landon of 2012.
It's obvious, really: he wants to spend four years aging as though it were 20 years, be blamed for everything his predecessor did and to have endless jokes made about his name. I just hope he has his long form boring birth certificate handy.
Van Susteren santorum, also
You go into an election with the candidates you have, not the candidates you wish you had.
We can be sure that Obama is not the Antichrist, because God has blessed him with the most pathetic GOP lineup since the days of Alf Landon (in those days, someone named Alf could, in fact, run for president.) In many ways, T-Paw looks like the Alf Landon of 2012.
I always felt dirty afterwards. I mean, I hate bullshit. And there I was, rolling around in the bullshit with the HR person.
when he becomes president, it will be fun to see this guy and vladimir putin in the same room.
It's obvious, really: he wants to spend four years aging as though it were 20 years, be blamed for everything his predecessor did and to have endless jokes made about his name. I just hope he has his long form boring birth certificate handy.
must have been the 170-proof Spam. You have to be careful with that.
Ex-Minnesota Republican governor Arnie thinks Pawlenty really screwed up our state. <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">