i wish there would be a ken layne late night post as i am pretty hopped up on cold meds and red wine and will prolly soon end up on lolcatz or something.

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And in Atlanta, it's Coke....no matter what it really is: "Hon, what kinda coke youuwan? We got orange coke, and 7up coke, and root beer coke...."

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Toy Story 2 reference FTW!

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Thank you for the correction. I like...correction.

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Pastor Terry Jones?

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Affecting a southern accent? Well, god bless him.

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I know Yoesmite Sam. Yosemite Sam is a good friend of mine. T-Paw ain't no Yoesmite Sam.

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Thufferin' Thuccotash

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i guess this is why garrison keillor is quitting.

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i heard john kerry today (and am about to again).

man he is SOOO ornery. course, if i lost to george bush i would be too.

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