I'm beginning to think this is going to go on until we have a new administration.

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And here is why you'll never have a billion dollars. Those who do have a billion plus dollars look at that money and don't think of how they could use that to help the less fortunate, they look at that money and think of how they could use it to make more money so that, one day, they could stick it to that bastard Bezos.

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Hi! Thank-you. That means a lot. I hope you are doing well.

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I think he's empty. In his press conferences he stands there without ideas while the questioner asks the question, then something sets him off. But it's not an answer exactly, it's his restlessness got too strong.

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IKR? Or in this case CRAZY actors. I keep thinking there's no way these folks are real. And then I remember my dad is just as nutty.

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and then they will get LAZY and not want to go back to work EVER. Just keeping riding that Purple Wage.

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wtf is it with the washing machines? Ours died this week, too!

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Depends, in part, on how many loopholes get added (by amendment, or by later bills that modify the original). Not all loopholes benefit the rich exclusively. Just most of them.

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hopefully not in a disease kind of way

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feel free to say what you like - we can all do with a discussion as long as it is earnest (and not trolling, you'll see in other threads that we like to eat trolls). Mind the snark!

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Only if you're wearing them. It's a steep learning curve in here.

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This would be an amazing way to restart the economy. The fact that it also would help millions of people who are in deep distress would be a plus for Dems, though probably a reason for Repubs to hate the idea. I mean, why on earth bailout actual people instead of just airlines and trump golf courses?

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I'd even be okay with having him sign the checks.

Of course there is a of doubt about whether he's a billionaire or just a lying grifter.

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A granny who eats trolls. Sounds like the beginnings of a modern fairytale. A new spin on Little Red Riding Hood.Thank-you. You all are living up to the hype: welcoming.

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If whatever superhuman abilities of perception, fire, and cutting humor can be transmitted in viral form, I'll take it, snotty nose, fever and all.

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Holy forking shirtballs!

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