It still was more savory than sweet. They added a little tartness to the sandwich.

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I guess I think of chicken salad as being savory rather than sweet.

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No one, should ever, have to apologize, for having fabulous shoes.

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I won't apologize for buying 25 more copies of the book about the South: BETTER OFF WITHOUT EM which is extremely funny as well as interesting and mildly enraging. I buy them and give them away.

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Don't emulate the above man I mentioned. If you look at this again 3 days later. I'm concerned about your outfit too.

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You know that overweight woman with the long straight hair who wouldn't write marriage certificates for gay men and then she met the Pope? Do you remember her husband appeared beside her, looking strange? Some of us haven't been the same person since because of our deep shame. That's a true story. Don't emulate that man.

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I want an entire description

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Dixie Culture!

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The white student union does impressions!

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Except the Patrolman's Benevolent Association.

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They're imitating Christ!

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I know that cops who are brutal to black people have the feeling deep down that they're doing what "their" fellow whites in the community want and that they have their support. It must be so. That's why I think if there was a good system of Legal Aid that really was strong and really fought for defendants, it wouldn't just be a good thing for those defendants but it would sink in to the police that the community actually does not support the shooting and beating up of non-whites, poor people etc. That would be a big help, besides being a good for defendants and -- what do you call it? a discouragement from shooting people right and left. Because you could go to jail for life.

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I thought it was "I shot an elephant in my underpants. How it got there, I'll never know"

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Oh lord, I remember H Rap Brown. My parents were terrified by him!

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Bacon! And red onion, for purists.

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"These people"?

Tsk, tsk.

:- p

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