E. Warren is not even a little bit "twee".

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Does this come in orange?

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No, that's why SER was laughing so hard at TS's "Game over" comment.

When I calculate it, I get a black population of about 22.2 million black males in the country. Given that only about 2/3s of of voters vote, that leaves about 14.5 million black male voters (note that I am rounding that value DOWN to account for black male non-citizens and the disproportionate number of black male felons ineligible to vote). Scott says in the past, the GOP has gotten 8% (1.6 million votes), and he projects and increase to 12% (1.7 million votes), a difference of about 600,000 votes across the US AT MOST, a change of about 1/10th of a percent of the US population.

PS When I did this I forgot to account for the under 18 population, so the proportions are about the same but the actual number of voters is about 20% less.

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You noticed that too, eh?

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Black women had the highest turnout of any group in the 2008 and 2012 US elections. Not coincidentally, those were the elections won by Obama! So, as always, the Democrats really have one job this election, and should not be distracted from it, as they have been before: cater to, ego stroke, listen to, do whatever the fuck is necessary to ensure that Black women get to the polls in large, large numbers to Vote Blue. And protect them while they cast their votes because they are obvious and very visible targets for Trump's "2nd amendment people".

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The only way black people are going to help Trump get re"elected" is by staying home instead of voting for whoever runs against him.

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In a similar scenario, I predict that a large percentage of the LGBTQ community will be coming out (tee hee) to vote for cheeto. --Richard Grenell

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The RWNJ desire to keep women barefoot, pregnant and economically disadvantaged is very appealing to worthless jerkass men of every color.

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We'll know more after the primary vote in March in Texas but I really want to believe TX is more purple than red.

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That's what all the stories I read say.

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If the GOP is willing to cheat to hold onto states like Georgia or North Carolina, I can't really imagine what they wouldn't resort to if they thought their hold on Texas (their sina quo non state) was threatened. I legitimately don't believe that the GOP will allow Texas to vote blue. They just won't.

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Then I haven't a blinkin' clue, love. But when you DO sort out what that curious object actually is please let us know. It will haunt me!

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It's not wahtaboutism. It's an attempt to gauge upside for any given candidate, compared to Hillary. I'm saying they all have a greater potential upside than Hillary did, to score among the mushy middle undecideds.

What exactly do you think I'm trolling about?

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And have we fixed that technicality? No.

Pragmatically speaking, "But REALLY, Hillary won by 3 million votes..." is pointless whining. We have to win WITHIN THE ELECTION STRUCTURE WE HAVE, not in some fantasy election where everything is fair and honest. You know goddam well that the GOP is working those "technicality" angles again this year and they don't give a shit how many popular votes the Dem wins by as long as Trump gets 270 Electoral votes.

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Misogyny is color blind?

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Me thinks if they really thought black men will be racing to the polls to pull the lever for King Racist, they wouldn't be trying so hard to keep so many disenfranchised in Florida following the passage of Amendment 4

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