To accompany his "speech" Repugnantcan Senator Scott brought oversized tongs and bottled ranch to dress his word salad:

"...You know President Trump. He's effuse in his praise at times."

"Believe it or not, one of the things that we talked about for a very short period of time was how do we make progress for the most vulnerable. He is still focusing on getting things done from a policy by encouraging us to continue down the path that leads to American progress."

I can never get over how inarticulate and substance-free Rupugnantcan Congress people like Gomert, Jordan, Hawley, Cruz, Gaetz, Greene, Discount Palin, and this guy are. Every time I read a quote or hear one jabbering, I marvel that it was ever possible for this person to be elected to ANY office, let alone Congress. Verdict: no standards equals a dystopian hell-scape!

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How does Uncle Tim sleep at night?

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He seems to really like beginning sentences with "Believe it or not." That's an unusual verbal tic.

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There was a place like that in Tampa at the corner of Dale Mabry and Henderson Blvd. In the 40 years I was in the area, there must have been 15 or 20 different restaurants there

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Might be a serious insult to call any black person an "Uncle Tom", but without calling him that, Tim Scott has shown he deserves the moniker even if he can't officially receive it.

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He took a victory lap on Fox News yesterday, where he received head rubs from white hostsWell, you know, they see a Black person and just gotta touch their hair. As you can see in Scott's case, old habits die hard...

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"I brought it up, he said 'uh-huh' and then switched to talking about his golf game."

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This is really THE WORST. Formerly the worst was when some fool congressman in a hearing apologized to the CEO of BP that he was forced to appear in a hearing about the oil spill. Or could it have been when Lindsay Graham, in a hearing for Sotomayor's confirmation, when he said she'd probably be confirmed "unless she had a COMPLETE MELTDOWN." But now to me this is the worst. Not the cruelest or anything, just the outright stupidest interview I've ever seen.

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But, you don't realise how easily peoples' feelings get hurt! (Why couldn't that 1619 project say in parenthesis 'tho they meant no harm' or something? Would that have been so hard?)

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"Far left mob" equals decent people everywhere.

Fox News has to be dismantled. What will it take to get rid of this non-stop poisonous river swamping the psyches of all Americans? It has done more to hurt this country than any other entity or person; it has made us all sick in one way or another.

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Tim Scott votes and talks like a typical senator from South Carolina, and is upset that people are treating him like a typical senator from South Carolina.

He can do what he wants to--which is apparently to serve as a shield for Republican white supremacists--but he shouldn't be surprised people react negatively to that. He had an opportunity to call out bigotry in his party, but chose political expediency instead.

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Guys like South Carolina Senator Tim Scott are sometimes called Oreos.But this cookie is so over the top he I'd say he's a Devil Dog.

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Being whiter than Wonder Bread, I'm not a Blackness professional, but would it be appropriate to remind readers of Malcolm X's words about the "house Negro"?

There were two kinds of slaves, the house Negro and the field Negro. The house Negroes--they lived in the house with master, they dressed pretty good, they ate good because they ate his food--what he left. They lived in the attic or the basement, but still they lived near their master; and they loved their master more than their master loved himself. They would give their life to save their master's house--quicker than the master would. If the master said, "We got a good house here," the house Negro would say, "Yeah, we got a good house here." Whenever the master said "we," he said "we." That's how you can tell a house Negro.


Proceed with caution, 'cause Malcolm X resorts to the "N" word.

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T^%*& has had 74 years to "make progress for the most vulnerable." Anyone thinking that will happen is not living in the real world.

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"Believe it or not, one of the things that we talked about for a very short period of time was how do we make progress for the most vulnerable. He is still focusing on getting things done from a policy by encouraging us to continue down the path that leads to American progress."

He may as well just have said "Blah blah blah, blah, blah. BLAH! Blahblahblah??" That sentence is meaningless, just a word salad, like his hero.

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Get drunk on shore leave, crash at the YMCA.

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