The number of fucks I have to give about this is < the likelihood that Tebow just pulled a Ryan-at-the-soup-kitchen move.

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These asshats can claim to be religious but they slaughter animals for pleasure and trumpet their "faith" in exchange for money and fame. Both of these behaviors are frowned on in the Bible. Another example of the lunatic fringe's selective Biblical application.

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There's a joke in there somewhere about my beloved Tebow & wood being shoved... oh nevermind....

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Totally straight female here who'd endorse Tebow cock slobbering in an ungay way... heck even in a gay way would still get my vote.

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Hey now... Gator Nation rep here who takes a slight offense to our beloved Tebow's less than stellar offense in the NFL sportsballing arena.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... we know he is all Jebusy & is much to our dismay, still refusing to come out of the closet but come on... he IS totes adorablistic.

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Looks to me like Timmy loves cheeseburgers at least as much he loves Jeebus.

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Getting any distance into that log by swinging a maul at it is going to be a pretty good day's workout. I'd say he's about done - time for Duck Dude to take a whack (or fifty) at it.

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There's also that nice stack of neatly-chainsawed logs in the background.

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My take away from this is that all vocally Christian celebrities know each other because they share a bond of being oppressed. Or Tebow is trying to hold on to public visibility as long as he can by hitching his wagon to someone else's fame.

You know, whichever one is more likely.

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Agreed. Also - if it were a real axe you won't stand on the log (where a person would have poor balance) - easy way to cut your foot. You'd stand behind the log and let it protect you.

Amateurs should be very careful with an axe. Ask Jack Del Rio how that worked out for his sportsball player.

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"How far is the Olde Log Inn?"

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<i>...what men love — hunting, fishing, football, baseball, motorcycles, classic cars, sporting competitions, racing, extreme sports and other outdoor activities — to bring them closer to the heart of God.</i>

I don't see "doing the nasty" or "boozing" or "porn" or even "sideboob" anywhere in that list. Methinks their heart of God is going to be veeerrrry lonely...

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Nobody send Skip Bayless that picture, or we'll get another 6 months of him yammering about how the NFL is full of clueless dolts for not giving TEBOW! another shot.

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