
Ugh, a reminder that Rand Paul exists. And right before lunch.

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I hate Republicans. There, I said it. If they all died today, the planet and humanity would improve a million percent instantly. And I hate that the elephant is the symbol of their stupid, hate-driven cult. Elephant are amazing, brilliant, sensitive animals. Republicans are fucking scumbags.

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I know, right? Why do Dems have the literal ass as our symbol? Who thought that was a good idea? It so needs to be the other way around!!! Also, wholeheartedly agree, Republicans are just a net loss for the planet.

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Every so often, a friend of mine quotes a thing which might conceivably be Monty Python, though I don't recognize it: "Sergeant-Major, take that man outside and shoot him, would you, please?"

Gosh, why does my memory surface that now?

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Aha! A workaround for the Banhammer! Quote Monty Python! Brilliant!

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Paul McCartney.

I jest. Please don't send fanatical Lennonites to collect the bill.

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"Kickstand, you got loose, and I threw up."

- Soundgarden, SUPERUNKNOWN

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I hate that Republicans are eager to force people into having kids they can't afford, and then also eager to cut funding for food for those people and their kids. Sadistic is the only way I can interpret that.

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"In the beginning, man created God, and in his image created he Him..."

- Jethro Tull, AQUALUNG

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Reagan, Gingrich, Shrub, tfg: Forty+ years of angry, white, intellectualy challenged men shaping the course of history. YAY America.

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TFG's net worth is a negative number - He's over leveraged and has been for decades. If the Trump companies were forced to liquidate tomorrow there would be a lot creditors left standing with empty hands.

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But what about his "brand"? That's worth billions right?

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Well, those creditors didn't have to lend to him. They bought the lies.

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Ta, Dok. So sick of this shit.

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For every shutdown the GOPers attempt take a year off their Congressional pension and wipe out their health benefits.

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If the Federal government shuts down when do the cockroaches in Congress stop getting checks? If the answer is immediately, then fuck it, shut it down. If the answer is never, then can I not file my taxes because the IRS is shut down? Is there any fucking silver lining to these people still breathing?

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Oh is it that time of the year again (yeah I know it happens more than once a year, but man!)?

The FarQMAGA Party would not be the FarQMAGA party if they didn't try to shut down the government at least once or twice a year.

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It's their brand, their signature move

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I will only be satisfied if a national monorail network is included in the budget.

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Monorail! Monorail! Monorail!

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WHAR Taco Trucks ??!!

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I'm saying

I've been standing here waiting for lunch since 2016

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Let them shut it down. I know it sounds cruel, but these fucktards need to feel some pain.

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The fucktards still get paid during a shutdown, and their voters never give a shit.

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Americans, if they cared about feeding kids and good sense, wouldn't vote for Republicans. Look at what the extremists about them do.

And it's also why when Americans give these bomb-throwers a majority, shittiness happens and their Speakers have a short shelf-life.

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100%. America is lookin' pretty stupid for sleeping on Hillary Clinton. She was right about everything but there were e-mails and other crap we seem to not care about anymore. Oh don't get me started on a roll here!

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What a dumb country, voting in people committed to keeping their kids uneducated so they can stay in power gets you here.

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They think they'll all he millionaires one day.

But they won't.

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maybe if we can get inflation high enough...

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Remember, just a few years ago gun nuts forced the government to allow people declared totally and permanently disabled under strict Social Security rules and not capable of handling their financial benefits to own guns. So doing the same with vets with severe PTSD or psychosis sounds like something the Republicans would push for. They put the nuts in gun nuts.

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This is not a functioning country.

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What was your first clue mass shootings? MAGA? the Oscars?

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The CMA Awards.

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